Basse-Yutz, France.


Basse-Yutz, Moselle.

Location on map.


Two bronze flagons were found together with two imported bronze stamnoi during road construction in 1927. The precise find circumstances remain uncertain; the vessels may possibly have formed part of a (cremation?) burial, an ancient hoard, or a secondary deposit. The vessels evince traces of use, relining and repair. In addition, they have undergone modern museum restoration. The remarkable find and the four bronze vessels, including technical explanations and full bibliography, were exhaustively published in 1990 by Vincent and Ruth Megaw.

Bronze, coral and "enamel."
La Tène A; ca. 400 B.C.E.

Flagon 1: Height: 39.65 cm.
British Museum 1929.5-11.1.

Both Flagons

Flagon 1: Height: 39.65 cm. Flagon 2: Height: 40.6 cm (restored).

British Museum 1929.5-11.2.


exquisitely detailed fantasy creatures composed of curvilinear geometric elements; not pictured: duck on spout

Cast and inlaid Handle
note stylized human head at base

Top of Flagon with lid.

Animal on lip.

Polychrome ornament fields and bands demonstrate a delight in contrasting sculptural textures, materials and colors.

Throat of Flagon.

View of pattern below spout . Coral inlay portions contrast sharply with surrounding bronze. Complex, simulated weave pattern is bracketed by curvilinear floral forms continued up spout in incisied technique.


after Megaw 1970 Pl. III

Throat of Flagon.

Detail of lower handle attachment with stylized human features.

after Megaw 1970 Pl. III

Geometric segments are arranged to form complex interlacing patterns. The color of the bronze and its reflectivity are contrasted with coral and enamel inlay.

Base of Flagon.

after Megaw 1990
