Kleinaspergle: Bronze Flagon

The simple, sleek form of the Kleinaspergle flagon is decorated only with a rather startling handle attachment in the form of a face that combines human and animal elements in very simple, bulging forms, surrounded by stylized and stacked flaring elements. Curling around the top of the head is a pair of stylized ram's horns.Particularly the ears of the creature were clearly inspired by the handle plates of the Etruscan stamnos found in the same tomb, while the visual language in which the new piece is couched is entirely Celtic. The head of the creature is repeated at the top of the handle, peering into the vessel with bulging eyes.

The bronze flagon has undergone numerous restorations. Its current state (pictured) acknowledges that it is a Celtic and not an Etruscan vessel, with a tall, slender, tapering body. The break in the handle is due to a previous reconstruction.

Reconstructed H: ca, 45.3 cm
Max. Dia at lip: 11.5 cm

Top portion (original)

Trefoil mouth opening

Handle attachment at rim, from inside

Detail, top of handle at rim (inside)


Attachment at bottom of handle

Attachment at bottom of handle, side view

Stuttgart, Württembergisches Landesmuseum
