Lutwin's Eva und Adam

6. Adam and Eve hide as they are addressed by the Creator

Codex Vindob. 2980, Folio 15v, 141 x 117mm. Placed before l. 534 and illustrates ll. 534-536.


How Adam and Even hid themselves in paradise because they had disobeyed God's command


God, the origin of all that is good, in whose hand the circumference of the world is enclosed and whose power is incalculable and manifold, came (to the spot) in paradise where Adam lay and behaved as though he did not know that Adam was there. (534-536, Translation by Halford, 1984, pp. 246-247)


"Only the heads and shoulders of the protoplasts are visible as they crouch from within the walls of paradise. The Creator is standing without, pointing at them accusingly and holding an orb in his right hand." (Halford, 1980, p. 14)


Halford, M-B. Illustration and Text in Lutwin's Eva und Adam: Codex Vindob. 2980, Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 303; Stuttgart: Kummerle Verlag, 1980.

Halford, M-b. Lutwin's Eva und Adam, Goppingen Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1984.