Lutwin's Eva und Adam

19. Cain murders Abel

Codex Vindob. 2980, Folio 56v, 139 x 116 mm. Placed before l. 2029 and illustrates l. 2011.


How Cain beat his brother to death


[C]ain beat Abel to death. (2011, Translation by Halford, 1984, p. 270)


"Abel is kneeling with his head on his crossed hands as though he were trying to protect his face, only his tonsured head is visible. He is wearing a brown tunic and blue hose. Cain is bending over him and about to bring a mattock down on his head. He is wearing a green tunic, hat and brown hose." (Halford, 1980, pp. 26)


Halford, M-B. Illustration and Text in Lutwin's Eva und Adam: Codex Vindob. 2980, Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 303; Stuttgart: Kummerle Verlag, 1980.

Halford, M-b. Lutwin's Eva und Adam, Goppingen Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1984.