Lutwin's Eva und Adam

8. The Labors of Adam and Eve

Codex Vindob. 2980, Folio 23v, 142 x 128 mm. Placed before l. 811 but receives little support from the brief reference in the text, ll. 813-817.


How Adam had to till the ground and Eve spin because they had disobeyed God's command.


Once Adam had been clothed. . . he had to leave paradise in sadness and cultivate with hoes and shears the earth from which he came. (811-817, Translation by Halford, 1984, p. 251)


"Adam, clothed in a green tunic and brown shoes and hose, is holding a mattock above his head. Eve, wearing a brown dress, is seated with a tall distaff between her knees, and is holding the spindle and thread. She is watching Adam." (Halford, 1980, p. 16)


Halford, M-B. Illustration and Text in Lutwin's Eva und Adam: Codex Vindob. 2980, Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 303; Stuttgart: Kummerle Verlag, 1980.

Halford, M-b. Lutwin's Eva und Adam, Goppingen Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1984.