Lutwin's Eva und Adam

22. Seth and Eve confront the Devil

Codex Vindob. 2980, Folio 69r, 147 x 92 mm. Placed before l. 2525 and illustrates ll. 2523-2533, 2569-2578.


No rubric


[Eve and Seth] rose immediately, as he had requested, and departed from his presence. The Devil made no delay. He rose up in their path, a frightening object, for he was disguised as a serpent. As they drew closer to him the same demonic serpent bit Seth's cheek, and so deep as the wound caused by the serpent's attack that Seth fell to the ground, but he (later) recovered his senses. . . . Seth came to his senses. He no longer lay on the ground and was still. He said "Leave us, and may God's hatred be upon you, devilish spirit, begetter of all lies, accursed adversary of the truth, originator of falsehood, teller of the first lies. Flee from the image of God here, this I command of you on behalf of God, who created us in his likeness, as his goodness required and demanded it of him." The Devil replied: "I will leave you as you have commanded me." With that he vanished. Seth recovered immediately. (2525-2533, 2569-2578,Translation by Halford, 1984, p. 278)


"The Serpent is appearance exactly the same as in Bibliography Halford, M-B. Illustration and Text in Lutwin's Eva und Adam: Codex Vindob. 2980, Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 303; Stuttgart: Kummerle Verlag, 1980.

Halford, M-b. Lutwin's Eva und Adam, Goppingen Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1984.