Eve's Recognition of Her Sin

20.1 And in that very hour my eyes were opened, and forthwith I knew that I was naked of the righteousness with which I had been clothed (upon), [44]20.1 At that hour I learned with my eyes that I was naked of the glory I with which I had been clothed. Thenceforth, I began to weep and said,
20.2 and I wept and said to him: 'Why have you done this that you have deprived me of the glory with which I was clothed?' [44]20.2 'What did you do to me?' But I was no longer mortified about the war which the enemy had made against me; then I learned, thenceforth, that he will lead me to the depths of hell.
20.3 But I wept also about the oath, which I had sworn. But he descended from the tree and vanished. [44]20.3 When Satan did this, he descended from the tree and hid in the Garden. 18-20.12c The devil, however, became invisible.
20.4 And I began to seek, in my nakedness, in my part for leaves to hide my shame, but I found none, for, as soon as I had eaten, the leaves showered down from all the trees in my part, except the fig-tree only. [44]20.4 In my parts of the Garden I sought leaves of a tree to cover my nakedness, and I could not find any on all the trees. For, at that hour all the trees of the Garden became leafless, except for the fig-tree alone. [44]20.4 [... (I was searching for leaves to cover)...] my nakedness and found none on all the trees, for at the moment at which I had eaten, the leaves from all the trees of the Garden, in my portion, fell down. 21-22.1 I, however, gathered fig leaves to cover my shame.
21-22.2 Because of how Paradise was apportioned, the one half to Adam, and the other to me, all the trees in my half had let fall all their leaves.
20.5 I took leaves from it and made for myself a girdle and it was from the same plant of which I had eaten. [44]20.5a I took its leaves and covered my nakedness, and I stood by the tree of which I had eaten. [44]20.5a I took some and made a covering for myself and stood by the tree of which I had eaten, my children. 21-22.3 The fig tree, however, did not do this.
21-22.4a And I took from its leaves and wrapped myself and went under the tree, from which I had tasted,
[44]20.5b I was afraid, my son Seth, because of the oath I swore that I would give my husband Adam to eat. [44]20.5b I was afraid because of the oath which I had sworn by the Garden and in which I had said, 'I will make Adam eat of it as well.'