The Life of Adam and Eve

This page contains a list of pericope titles for each of the narrative units of the Life of Adam and Eve or Vita Adam et Evae . These documents are all presented in English translation.

Pericope Titles

  1. Penitence: Expulsion
  2. Penitence:Penitence and Second Temptation
  3. Penitence: Separation of Adam and Eve
  4. Adam's Vision
  5. Adam's Story of the Fall
  6. Quest for oil: Encounter with Beast
  7. Quest for oil: Michael's Reply
  8. Quest for oil: Adam's Rebuke of Eve
  9. Eve's Tale: Satan's Encounter with the Serpent
  10. Eve's Tale: Temptation of Eve
  11. Eve's Tale: Eve's Recognition of her Sin
  12. Eve's Tale: Entry of God into Paradise
  13. Eve's Tale: Adam's Plea for Mercy
  14. Death of Adam
  15. Angelic Liturgy
  16. Adam and Abel's Funerary Rites
  17. Eve's Prayer to join Adam
  18. History of the Stelae
  19. Place of Adam's Creation
  20. Back to "The Life of Adam and Eve"
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