Query Report


Simmons College

Simmons College, which is founded in 1899, moves to its new home at 300 The Fenway that is designed by Peabody and Stearns. John Simmons, who creates the largest wholesale clothing business in New England, is concerned about the the future of poor immigrant women who sew for the clothing trade. He makes plans for Simmons Female College to enable women "to acquire an independent livelihood." Upon his death in 1870, he leaves nearly two million dollars to appointed trustees with directions to invest in real estate until $5000,000 in interest has accumulated for building, the rest of the endowment. Two years after his death, the Great Fire of Boston destroys every building, none of which is insured. For thirty years, the trustees borrow by mortgaging the land, rebuilding, and investing income until they have suficient funds to carry out his wishes.

Date Start: 1904
Date Start: 1904
Event Class: Cultural
Area: Fenway
Subject: Institutions
Map: Back Bay Fens "Park"
Display Name: Simmons Opens
Source: Hatfield
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