Seminars and Tutorials
A seminar topic will be presented here the third Tuesday of each "new
term", beginning in October, January, and April. A
seminar discussion will be carried on for four to six successive
Tuesdays, the length to depend on the topic. A
short paper and suggested readings will be presented by the seminar leader
each week and participants will be asked to write a short, 100-150 word
long, "reflections and response" paper prior to the following week's
Papers which are especially helpful in moving the discussion along
will be collected in
the "comments" file for viewing by all seminar participants (with
permission, of course).At
the end of each seminar a "synthesis and ideas to pursue" essay will be
presented by the seminar leader which attempts to pull
together the various ideas discussed and point to further ideas to be
explored. First seminar topic:"Coming to Terms: The Ethos of Capitalist
Culture", and "Trying to be Real in a Virtual Reality World"
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Last Modified: Thursday, 28-Feb-2008 14:39:43 EST