The hypertext writing environment presents many challenges to creative authors and adventurous readers. Topics of interest to those about to embark on the work of authoring include:
Structural Paradigms
Structural Conventions
Visual Representation of Nodes
Hyperbook Authoring Tasks
Copyright and Hypertext
The Programmer as Literary Artist
The Geometry of Authoring in Storyspace
Beginning and Ending a Hyperbook: Possibilities for Authors
Readers may wish to consider:
Readers of Hypertext
Difficulties with Reading Hypertext
Cognitive Overhead
Missing Context Clues
Conceptual considerations include:
The Rhetoric of Hypertext
Landow and the Politics of Connection
Computer Pedagogy and Composition
The Library of the Future: A New Electronic Canon
Connections Without Centre: Infinite Hypertext
No discussion of reading and writing electronic texts would be complete without mentioning the contributions of Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, and Ted Nelson.