STC 312.5: The Secrets of Alexis [Trans. William Ward, Richard
An explanation of bibliographical conventions used in these descriptions
A1r: The Secrets of Alexis: Containing Many Excellent
Remedies Against Divers Diseases, wounds,and other Accidents.
London: Printed by Wiliam Stansby for Richard Meighen and
Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at their shop without
Temple-barre vnder S. Clements Church, 1615.
Q4r: The Second part of the Se-|crets of Maister
[swash `A']lexis. of Pie-|mont, by him
collected out of diuers excel-|lent Authors, and now newly
corrected | and augmented | By William Ward. | [orn
"alx03"] | [rule 91] | Printed at London by W. Stansby, | [swash
`A']nno Dom. 1614.
2B7r: The third part of the Se-|crets of the reuerend
Maister | [swash `A']lexis of Piemont, by him Collec-|ted
out of diuers Excellent | AVTHORS. | By
William Warde>. | [orn "alx03"] | LONDO[swash `N']
| Printed by William Stansby. | 1614.
2M2r: The fourth part of the Se-|crets of ALEXIS of Piemont, contai-|ntaining sixe
undred fourscore and odde | experimented medicines,
pertaining to physick and | Chirurgerie, long time practised by
him, and in his | latter daies published to an vniuersall
benefit, hauing | vntill that time reserued it only to
himselfe, as a | most priuate and pretious | JEWEL. |
Translated out of Italian into English, by | RICHARD ANDROSE. | [orn "alx03"]
| LONDO[swash `N'] | Printed by William Stansby. |
Collation: 4o in 8's: A-2H8 2I4 2K-2Z8. Signed $1-4;
foliated, not paginated.
Type: 20ll = 82.5, black letter, with roman
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- B3.6: " "
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- C3.6: Alx02
- D2.7: Alx03
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- E1.8: Alx02
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- R4.5: " "
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- S3.6: C-Emm?
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- Y3.6: 28
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- Z3.6: Alx01
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- 2L2.7: 27
- 2L4.5: Alx08
- 2M1.8: Alx08
- 2M4.5: Alx07
- 2N1.8: Alx09
- 2N4.5: Alx07
- 2O2.7: Alx08
- 2O3.6: Alx01
- 2P1.8: Alx01
- 2P3.6: " "
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- 2Y4.5: Alx07
- 2Z2.7: Alx01
- 2Z3.6: Alx07
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