THE ASSIZE OF | BREAD. | TOGETHER | With sundry good and needfull ordinances | for Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, Victualers, Vintners, | and Butchers: And also other Assizes in Weights and Measures, | which by the Lawes of this REALME, are commanded to bee | obserued and kept by all manner of Persons, as well within | Liberties as without. | Whereunto there are also added, sundry good and | needfull Orders, in making and retayling of all kinds of lawfull | Breads, vendible vnto his Maiesties Subiects in the Common-wealth, | agreeing with the Statues, Lawes, and Ancient Orders and Customes | of this Realme of England. | The which Statutes and ancient Orders and Customes, for making and re-|tayling of all lawfull sorts of Bread, as aforesaid, haue been heretofore seene, allowed, | and are commanded to be kept, by the right Honorable the Lords, and others of the | Kings Maiesties Honorable Priuy Counsell. | Newly corrected and enlarged from twelue pence the Quarter of Wheate, vnto | three pound and sixe pence the Quarter, according to the rising and falling of the | price thereof in the Market, by sixe pence altring in euery quarter of Wheate. | [rule XXX] | Joh. Cant. | Ch. Hatton. | W. Burley. | H. Derby. | Cha. Howard | H. Hunsdon. | Tho. Buchurst. | S. Francis Knowles. | S. Tho. Heneage. | S. I. Fortescue. | S. I. Woolley. | [rule xxx] | LONDON, | Printed by William Stansby, and are to be sold by | John Budge. 1615.
Collation: 4o: A-G4Type: English roman, english italic; black letter pica [20=82]