GREENES | Neuer too Late. | BOTH PARTES. | Sent to all youthfull Gentlemen, | desciphering in a true English Historie, those | particular vanities, that with their Frostie va-|pours, nip the blossomes of euery braine, | from attaining to his intended | perfection. | As pleasant as profitable, being a right Pumice stone, | apt to race out idlenesse with delight, and | folly with admonition. | By Robert Greene, In artibus | Magister. | Omne tulit punctum. | [orn "gre01"] | LONDON, | Printed by William Stansby for Iohn Smithwicke, and are to bee | sold at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Churchyard in Fleete-|[street, 1616.]
Collation: 4o: A-Q4; [$1-3 signed]Type: 20ll = 83, roman & italic; 20ll = 82.5 black letter.