STC 12707: Joseph Hall, A Recollection of such Treatises

An explanation of bibliographical conventions used in these descriptions

Main Title-page:

Joseph Hall, A Recollection of such Treatises as haue bene heretofore seuerally published, and are nowe reuised, corrected, augmented. (London: Printed for Hen: Fetherstone, 1617). A- 3Q4, 2A-22C8

Secondary Title-pages:

A Common Aplogie of the Church of England (London: William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, 1617). 3D1-3K6

A Serious Diswasive from Popery. 3L1-3M2

No Peace with Rome (London: William Stansby, for Henry Fetherstone, 1617). 3M3-3Q4

Contemplations. Upon the Principall Passages of the Holy Storie. (London: William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone). Vol 1: 2A1-2H4; Vol 2: 2H5-2Q8

Collation: 2o: A4 B-3P6 3Q4 2A-P6 2Q8 2R-2B6 2C8

Note: Stansby printed 3D-Q, 2A-Q. Edward Griffin printed the rest.


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