STC 17526: William Martyn, The History and Lives of Twenty Kings of England

An explanation of bibliographical conventions used in these descriptions


[par]1 [Woodcut title-page border, McK&Fer 250]: THE | HISTORIE, | AND LIVES, OF | TWENTIE | OF ENGLAND. | With the Successions of the DVKES, and | EARLES, of this Realmes; from the CON-|QVEST, vntill the twelfth yeare of the Fa-|mous Raigne of the most Admired Prince | King IAMES the First. | Together with the times of the Creations | of the BARONS, and BARONETS, | of this Kingdome>. | [rule 71] | By | WILLIAM MARTYN Esquire, Recorder | of the Honourable Citie of | EXETER. | Frustra fit per plura, quod potest per pauciora. | LONDON | Printed by W. Stansby | for Henrie Fetherstone. | 1615.

2T1: THE SVCCES-|SIONS OF THE DVKES | AND EARLES OF THIS | KINGDOME OF | ENGLAND: | F[swash `R']OM THE CO[swash `N']QVEST | vntill the twelfth yeare of the famous Raigne | of the mightie Monarch [swash `K']ing | IAMES | THE FIRST. | [rule 121] | [orn "Hallx5"] | [rule 113] | LONDON, | Printed by W. Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone. | 1615.

Collation: 2o: [par]4 b6 A-O4 P- 2R6 2S2 2T-3A6; G3, V3 not cancels; $1-3 signed.

Type: 20ll = 95


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