STC 20507: Samuel Purchas, Purchas his Pilgrimage

An explanation of bibliographical conventions used in these descriptions


PVRCHAS his PILGRIMAGE, | OR | RELATIONS | OF THE WORLD | AND THE RELIGIONS | OBSERVED IN AL AGES AND | Places discouered, from the CREATION | vnto this PRESENT. | IN FOVRE PARTS. | THIS FIRST CONTAY-|NETH A THEOLOGICALL AND | GEOGRAPHICALL Historie of ASIA, A- |FRICA, and AMERICA, with the Ilands | adiacent. | Declaring the ancient Religions before the FLOVD, the | Heathenish, Jewish, and Saracenical in all Ages since, in these parts | professed with their severall Opinions, Idols, Oracles, Temples, Priests, | Fasts, Feasts, Sacrifices, and Rites rligious: Their Beginnings, | Proceedings, Alterations, Sects, Orders and | Successions. | With briefe descriptions of the Countries, Nations, States, Discoueries; Priuate | and publike Cu-tomes, and the most remarkable rarities of NATVRE, | or Humane industire, in the same. | The third Edition, much enlarged with Additions through the whole Worke; | By SAMUEL PVRHCAS, Parson of St. MARTINS by | Ludgate London. | Vnus DEVS vna Veritas. | [orn "godwin02"] | LONDON, | Printed by William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in | Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Rose. | 1617.

Collation: 2o: [par]-2[par]6 A8 B- 5C6 5D4.

Type: Epistle is 20ll = 145, italic; To The Reader is 20ll = 95, roman; text is 20ll = 84; notes are 20ll = 68.


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