Documents Concerning William Stansby Cited in Greg's Companion to Arber

W. W. Greg surveyed the "illustrative matter" that Edward Arber included in his Transcript of the Stationers Register and compiled it, along with an index, in his Companion to Arber. Greg also examined other document collections, primarily the Burghley Papers in the British Museum's Lansdowne manuscript, and the State Papers Domestic in the Public Records Office, compiling descriptions of relevant documents for inclusion in his Companion.

When present, I have extracted transcribed documents concerning William Stansby's career; when only Greg's Calendar description are present, I have included them. As far as possible, I have followed Greg's rules for transcription as follows:

Note: A number of passages cited in this sketch come from transcriptions of autograph documents containing contemporary hands and employing a variety of shorthand techniques. In those cases where the limited set of HTML-supported characters prevents an accurate reproduction of the text, I have expanded the word or portion of word contaning the shorthand device for clarity. Square brackets enclose these passages.

Document Transcriptions

Document 23
to Imprint a Dictionary Etimologicall
20 february [1610/11] A Speciall Licence granted to Iohn Minsheu to imprint the Booke intituled Glosson Etimilogion, or a Dictionary Etimologicall consisting of 12. seuerall Languages, English scottish Wels, high Dutch and some time saxon low Dutch and some times Danish french Italian Spanish Arabicke Portegues Latin Greeke and Hebrew for 21. yeares with prohibition to all others

Document 33.1
To the honoble Sr George Cal { } knight Secretary of State to the kings most exelent Maiestie:/
The humble Peticon of Nathaniell Butter
Humbly shewinge that whereas yor poore Suplt: hath byn Comytted by my lords grace of Canterbury the space of 28 daies being since brought before yor honor and examyned about the printing of a booke Concernynge the Emporer wherein he hath answered truly and freely, and for wch he doth humbly acknowledge his faulte, beinge Comytted to a Messenger he knoweth nott howe to obtayne his libertie haveing a poore wief greate with Childe, and three small Children, and is like to be vndoe without yor honors Comiserac[i]on
Wherefore he humbly desiereth yor honors Comiserac[i]on in grauntinge his libertie vppon good and sufficient bayle to be allwaies reddy for the Confirmac[i]on of his Confession wherein if he hath nott dealt truly and plainly with yor honor he will never looke for any favor And he according to his bounden dutie shall daily pray for yor honors helth and happines longe to Contynue

Document 33.2
To the Right honorle: Sr George Caluert Knight principall Secretary to his Maty: and one of his Mats: most honoble: Priuie Counsell./
The humble petic[i]on of Nathaniell Butter of London Stac[i]oner./
Humblie shewing to yor honor. Whereas yor poore Suppl[ican]t hath beene committed to a messengers custodie this 36 daies to his greate charge & hindrance from his trade havinge none to looke to his businesse but a little boy, whereby his Customers do forsake him which will tend to his vtter vndoinge, beinge indebted & havinge three small children, his wife being greate and lookinge everie hower is debarred from comforting her in this her extremitie being like to perish without yor Honors tender commiserac[i]on./
Hee therefore most humbly beyseecheth yor Honor to bee pleased to vouchsafe him his liberty, and hee will bee bound to answer whensoever your Honor shall call him, For which he and his will bee ever bound to pray for yor Honors long life and much happinesse:/

Document 33.3
To the Right Honorable Sr George Caluert knight his Mate. Principall Secretarie and one of his Highnes most Ho[nora]ble Privy Counsell.
William Stansby Printer most humblie sheweth
That the Petic[i]oner by the instigac[i]on and p[er]swasion of Nathaniel Butter Stac[i]oner/ did latelie imprint in a sheet of paper a smale tract conteyning A demonstrac[i]on of the vnlawfull Succession of the nowe Empor, wch the Petic[i]oner was the rather induced to doe by reason that many tractes Concerning the affaires of Forraine Princes haue byn p[er]mitted this last yeare to be publiquely sold wthout anie Contradiction. And whereas the wardens of the Companie of Stationers haue for the said offence by yor honors warrant nayled vp & sealed the dores of the Petic[i]oners warehouses & Printing house & haue broken downe his presses to his vtter vndoeing if he be not speedilie restored thereunto being a very poore man And forasmuch as since the publishing of his Mate late Proclamacion in that behalf the Petic[i]oner hath altogether absteyned from intermedling in anie thing wch is p[ro]hibited And being also right hartilie sorrie for this his said offence
He therefore most humblie beseecheth yor Honor to be pleased not onlie to remitt his offence past But also to restore him to the lawfull exercise of his trade from wch he is nowe debarred Promising that if euer he shall againe offend in the like nature willinglie to vndergoe the vttermost of yor honors iust indignac[i]on wthout Craveing anie fauor
And yor poore Petic[i]oner as neuertheles in dutie bound shall daylie praie for yor Honors health & prosperite./.

Document 33.4
To the Right Honorable Sr George Caluert knight Principall Secretarie to the kinges Matie.
The humble Petition of Will[ia]m Stansby Printer Most humbly sheweing That the Petic[i]oner by the earnest p[er]swac[i]on and instigac[i]on of Nathaniel Butter Bookeseller did imprint a smale treatise conteyning a declarac[i]on of the vnlawfull Succession of Ferdinand the now Emp[er]or. That the said Butter not onlie assured the Petic[i]oner that there could be no danger to print the same but also promised to saue him harmles from all trouble thereby to arise. That the Petic[i]oner was induced the rather to giue creditt vnto him by reason that manie other treatises concerning the affaires of Forraine Princes were publiquely sold wthout contradic[ti]on Notwthstanding the Petic[i]oner (by yor Honors Com[m]aund) hath byn a long tyme debarred from the vse of his printing presses by wch meanes being vnable to releiue himselfe & his famelie he wilbe vtterlie vndone. And forasmuch as the Petic[i]oner hath not offended in anie thing since the publicac[i]on of his Mate late Proclamac[i]on & that he protesteth that this shalbe a warneing to him for euer hereafter and that he hath no other meanes to lyve by yf he should be restrained from the lawfull exercise of his lawfull Art of Printinf He doth therefore most humbly beseech yor Honor (euen for Gods cause) to be pleased to forgiue his offence past and to restore him to the vse of his Printing presses Submitting himselfe willinglie to suffer all manner of punishment wch shalbe inflicted vpon him (wthout craveing anie mercie or p[ar]don) yf euer hereafter he shall offend againe in the like nature./
And the Petic[i]oner (as neuertheles in duty bound) shall daylie praie for yor Honors prosp[er]itie./

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