Entries in the Stationers Register Concerning William
As a successful businessman and active member of the London
printing community, William Stansby appears frequently in the
documents of the Stationer's Company. The following list is
taken from Edward Arber's A Transcript of the Registers of the
Company of Stationers of London; 1554-1640 A.D. 5 vols. (London,
Birmingham: 1875-98; New York: 1950).
Text within brackets has been supplied by Arber. The numbers within parentheses at the end of each entry refer to the volume and page of Arber.
- 12 Januarij [1591]
master windet
- william Stansby son of RICHARD STANSBY of EXON [EXETER]
cutler hath put him self Apprentice to John wyndet citizen and
Stacioner of London for vij yeres begynnynge at Christmas
Anno XXXIJdo Regin[a]e Elizabeth[ae] ...
ijs vjd (2.173)
- 7 Januarij [1597]
John windet
- William Stansby sworne and admitted a freeman of this
Companye ... iijs iiijd (2.717)
- 28 Aprilis [1597]
william Stanes-
- Entred for his copie vnder th[e h]and of master BARLOWE and
master warden Dawson, a booke intituled, the Polycie of the
Turkish Empire/ ... vjd (3.83)
- eodem 1mo Aprilis [1611]
William Stanesby
- Entred for his Copy vnder th[e h]andes of master EDWARD
ABBOTT and Th[e] wardens, A booke called, The tocsin or
watchbell sent to the kinge, Queene Regente, Princes of blood, to
all Parliamentes maiestries, officers, and loyall subiectes of
Fraunce, agaynste the booke of the Popes temporall power not
longe sithence sett forth by Cardinall BELLARMINE Jesuitt and
done into Englishe by J.R. ... vjd (3.456)
- 4to Maij [1611]
William Stanesby
vide 12mum Au-
gusti sequentis, a
newe entrance
- Entred for his Copy vnder th[e h]andes of the wadrens, A
booke called, The generall history of Venice sithence the
foundation of itt, vnto the presente, Comprised in Twoo
volumes by THOMAS [DE] FFOUGASSES gent[leman] of Avi[g]nion
... vjd
- PROVIDED that he is not to printe it, till he hath gotten
further authority for itt/ (3.458)
- 17mo Maij [1611]
William Stanes-
- Entred for his Copy vnder th[e h]andes of master EDWARD
ABBOTT and Th'wardens, A booke called The Commons complaynt,
wherein is contayned 2 speciall geivances, the one touchinge the
wastinge of woodes, the other the dearthe of victualls ...
vjd (3.458)
- 12mo Augusti [1611]
George Elde
- Entred for their Copy vnder th' [h]and of master BAKER, A
booke called, The generall history of Venice sithence the
foundacon of itt, vnto this presente, Comprised in 2 volumes
by THOMAS DE FFOUGASSES gent[lean] of Avy[g]nion, Whiche booke
was heretofore condicionally entred to Willaim Stanesby as may
appeare in this booke, 4to Maij 1611 ...
vjd/ (3.463)
- 3o Septembris/. [1611]
- Entred for his Copy vnder th[e h]andes of master Doctor
Mokett and The wardens, A booke called, The christian
peticonner shewinge howe he must sue in the Courte of Heaven both
for reward and remission, beinge a sermon preached at Oxon
the 7th of July 1611. by master doctor DENYSON at the
Actes ... vjd (4.464)
- 11mo Septembris.
- Three bookes whiche were master wyndettes Copyes, viz, The
method of mortification, The glass of vayne glory, and The
assize of bread and are ordered and appoynted alwayes
hereafter to bee printed to the vse of the common stocke of the
parteners in the Privileges &c. And it is granted that william
Stanesby shall alwayes have the workmanshippe of the printinge
thereof to that vse from tyme to tyme when the same shall be
ordered and appoynted by the master and wardens to be printed ...
0 (3.465)
- 11mo Septembris/. [1611]
- Entred for his Copyes by order of a Courte of Assitantes, All
these bookes and partes of bookes followinge, whiche were also
master Wyndettes Copyes ... xiijs
iiijd (3.466)
- That parte whiche master Wyndett hadd with master Bysshopp in the treatise of Melancholy/. (2.457)
- Item that parte whiche master Wyndett hadd with
Hughe Shingleton in the booke of Instruccon to
keepe accomptes after Debitour and Creditour./ (2.481)
- The myrrour of the multitude/. (2.460)
- A Peome called SIR WILLIAM HERBERTes SYDNEY/. (2.463)
- The discription of Neatherland/. (2.464)
- The blessednes of Brittayne/. (2.503)
- A booke dedicate[d] to the maior and Aldermen of Exetour (2.483)
- Concio ad Academicos Oxonienses. (2.484)
- An exhortacon to Englishmen to the defence of their Countrye/. (2.499)
- The mystery of Megiddo/. (2.520)
- An exposicon on the 16 Psalme (2.524)
- A lecture of master EGERTON at ye Blacke ffryers/. (2.525)
- A dyalogue of ANTICHRIST and Popery/. (2.529)
- A sermon of the nature and vylenes of synne/. (2.530)
- A sermon on the 6, 7 and 8 verses of the 12 Chapter of th'epistle to the Romans/. (2.541)
- A reconsiliacon of the pastours and ministers of the Churche of England/. (2.544)
- An exposicon of master TURNEBULL on th[e] epistle of Saincte JAMES/. (2.572)
- CORDERIUS dialogues in Frenche and Englshe (2.576)
- The lawes of Ecclesiasticall policye' in 8 bookes by RICHARD HOOKER/ (2.625)
- A defensatiue agaynste the Plague/. (2.629)
- A booke of master BLUNDEVILE his exercises/. (2.634)
- The decree of the parliamente of Parys of the 30th of Marche 1594. (2.634)
- The kinges edicte vpon the reducinge of Parys to obedience/.
The order of the Ffrenche kinges Coronacon(2.647)
A generall calendar or Astronomicall preceptes/. (2.659)
- WYLLOBY his AVISA/ ... xiijs (2.659; 3.678)
- iiijd
- A Catalogue for Englishe printed bookes/. (2.297)
- A devyne Centaury of sprituall sonnetes/. (3.47)
- The reward of Religion/. (3.63)
- Saincte PETERs Chayne/. (3.65)
- The Jaylours conuersion/. (3.65)
- Th[e]immortality of the soule/. (3.67)
- The libell of Spanishe lyes/. (3.72)
- The vse of the Geometricall, by doctor Hoode/. (3.98)
- Master BLUNDEVILES arte of Logicke/. (3.116)
- The soules Comforte/. (3.123)
- The sinners glasse/ (3.190)
- The moarnninge weede, the moarninges Joye, The kinges reioycinge, 3 treatises/. (3.233)
- A booke called Triacas/. (3.235)
- SOLAMONs solace/. (3.235)
- The bylls of those yat dye of the Plague/. (3.243)
- The briefes thereof/. (3.243)
- A discourse concerninge the soule and the spiritt/. (3.246)
- Songs of sundry kindes/.
Th'antithesis betweene CHRISTes voyce and the Popes/.
The tryall of a mans own self/. (3.250)
- 4to Novembris [1611]
William Stanes-
- Entred for his Copy vnder th[e h]andes of the wardens,
but not to be printed till it be further aucthorised, A
booke called, The history of the knightes of th[e]
order of Saincte John of Jerusalem &c. done in
Ffrenche by PETER BOYSSAT lord of LUEN and nowe to be
translated into Englishe ... vjd/. (3.471)
- 23o Julij [1612]
William Stanesby
- Entred for his Copy vnder th[e h]andes of master MASON
and Th[e] wardens, A booke called, An exposicon on
the Creed ... vjd. (3.491)
- .18 Septembris [1612]
William Stansby
- Entred for his copie to be prynted when yt is
translated and futher Aucthorised / A booke called.
Christian[a]e preces Opus CAROLI PASCHALIJ Regij
in sacro consistorio Consiliarij. Tertia editio
... vjd (3.497)
- .18 Septembris [1612]
William Stansby
- Entred for his copie to be Prynted When yt is
translated and further Aucthorised. A booke called.
problemata qu[a]e in Collegij Conimbircensis
societatis JESU, physicis commentarijs enodantur, ad
publicam scholarum philosophicarum vtilitatem in
Germania recuse / pemissu superiorum ... vjd (3.496)
- 8 Aprilis 1614
William Stans-
- Entred for his Coppie vnder the handes of master Doctor
MOCKETT and master warden ffield a booke called
Delineatio Consilij brevissima quae societati
mercatorum Blegarum florentissimi Commorabtiai
consecrat ADAM REUTER ... vjd (3.544)
- 7o Novembris 1614
William Stansby
- Entred for his Coppie vnder the handes of master
SANFORD and both the wardens a booke called Monodia,
or Walthams Comlaynt vpon the death of the Ladie
HAY. by. RN. ... vjd (3.556)
- 20o Januarij 1614 [1615]
William Stans-
- Entred for his Coppie vnder the handes of master
TAVERNOUR and both the wardens Certayne Masques at
the Court never yet printed written by Ben Johnson
... vjd (3.562)
- 20 Januarij 1615. [1616]
William Stansbye
- Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of Master Doctor
PEIRS and both the wardens a booke called GODs
plenties feedynge true pietie, preached at Paules
Crosse 18o Junij 1615 ...
vjd (3.582)
- 22o Aprilis [1616]
William Stans-
- Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Doctor
PEIRS and master SWINHOW warden a books called A
reduction from the Romish religion, written by
THOMAS BEARD doctor in divinitie ... vjd (3.587)
- 12o Maij 1616
William Stans-
- Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master SANFORD
and master Swinhowe warden a booke called The poore
mans pathway to heauen by THOMAS TURVELL ...
vjd (3.588)
- 23o Martij 1618 [1619]
William Stansby
- Assigned ouer vnto him from John Barnes with the
consent of Master warden Gilmyn, BUTLERS
Rethorick which was formerlie entered to the
said John Barnes ... vjd
- [scored through:]
- Assigned ouer vnto him from John Harryson with the
consent of a full Court holden this Day theis two
copies following vizt: ...
nil/ (3.644)
- 12o Junij 1619
William Stansby
- Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Doctor
FEATLEY and master Adams warden A booke Called
Omnibus et singulis. Contayning matter profitable
for all men, by PATRICKE SCOTT ... vjd (3.650)
- 19o Octobris 1619
William Stansby.
- Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master
TAVERNOR and master Jaggard waden Four bookes of
LUCIUS FLORUS translated into English by EDMOND BOULTON
... vjd (3.658)
- 12 Januarij 1619 [1620]
William Stansby.
- Entred for his Copie vnder the handes of master Doctor
FEATLIE, and both the wardens ffower sermons
preached by Master HIERON viz. A present for
CAESAR in tow sermons and A Bargaine of
salte in two sermons ... vjd (3.662)
- 29 Octobris 1628
- Master Smithick master hoth and master Stansby
appointed to goe to my lord Mayors feast this Day/ (3.691)
- 9o Maij 1615
- UPON Complaint made to this Court (by the Master
printers) of the Multitude of presses that are erected
among them. IT IS ORDERED by Consent of a full Court
and agreement of the said Master printers That none
shall haue more pressses then are here sett downe
- [19 printers listed, either one or two presses apiece,
- .10 Master Stansby 2 (3.699)
- [8 October 1634]
- A note of the Master Printers now liueing not found
registered in the Hall Booke./
- [among them are:]
- William Stansby succeed Master Windett, an ancient
erection (3.700)
- [1635]
- The names of suche as keepe printing-houses
- [among them are:]
- Master William Stansby succeeded his partner Master
John Windet about 20 yeeres since neuer admitted (he
sold his Right to Richard Bishop for 700li
about 2 monthes since and is cleane out B[ishop] is
fletchers wives bro[ther] it is thought that Bishop is
but vsed in it and yat ye estate is in haviland yo[u]ng
and fletcher (3.701)
- [1635]
- The names of the Master Printers of the Citty of
London as they have succeeded each other in trad[e] and
- [among them:]
- (4) | 1603 John Windet | 1635 William Stansby from
Windet | 1635 George Bishop from Stansby 2 moneths
since but none of them admitted (3.703)
- [1636]
- The names of the Master Printers and their
- [among them:]
- Master William Stansby: his hath sold his place to
Bishoppe a young man
- [later note]
- (if Stansby come in it is but to Bishoppes vse: who is
a young man and hath not had it aboue 6 or 7 monethes) (3.704)
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Last Modified: Friday, 24-Jun-2005 13:55:09 EDT