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    the double resistance due to the water in the two glass vessels VV' and the synchronous vibration of the two points PP2 in the two vessels - must produce a greater effect than when only one point is vibrated.
Noted by A.G.B.
March 12th 1876
M.G.H. March 12th 1876

Monday March 13th 1876

    Splashguard Phone
  1. Mr. Hubbard and Prof. Monroe came to test the instrument for transmitting vocal sounds. Improved instrument shown Fig I: P and P' are two platinum points and g is a guard to prevent the acidulated water from aplashing up against the membrane. Otherrwise the apparatus is the same as that shown on page 40. It was some time before either Mr. Hubbard or Prof. Monroe could hear anything at the Receiving Instrument

[PrevPage] [Next] [INDEX ]  Volume 1   13 Mar. 1876    Page 49  [Source] [ NOTES ]