[PrevPage] [Next] [INDEX ]  Volume 1   23 Mar. 1876    Page 71  [Source] [ NOTES ]

    the Receiver was much strengthened - indeed was as loud or even louder than that heard in Experiment I page 40.

  1. The oiling was repeated. The sides SS' and the edge P (Fig 5) being well-oiled. Result - no sound audible from Receiver.
  2. The oil was then rubbed off the edge P. Sound audible from Receiver but not nearly as loud as in Experiment 6.
  3. The platinum wire P (Fig 3) was replaced by a large surface of platinum foil without sensibly increasing the sound at the receiver.
  4. In all these experiments a saturated solution of salt in water was adopted in place of dilute sulphuric. A sort of scum collected in bubbles aroud the platinum foil P (Fig 4) which evidently affected the sound at the Receiver by causing the level of the liquid surface in contact with P to rise. A strong

[PrevPage] [Next] [INDEX ]  Volume 1   23 Mar. 1876    Page 71  [Source] [ NOTES ]