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    Liquid Transmitter/Reed Rcvr
  1. As W' (Fig 7) was placed deeper + deeper in the liquid the amplitude of vibration at R increased until its maximum was reached and then no further increase in the amplitude of R's vibration took place when W' was still further immersed. R did not strike the face of the magnet.

  2. As the wire W was immersed the amplitude of vibration of R diminished. R's vibration was greatest when W just touched the surface fo the water.
  3. Approximating the wires when both were vertical did not seem to increase the amplitude of R's vibrations very sensibly.
  4. Liquid Trans/Reed Rcvr

  5. When W' was placed under W as in Fig 8 ­ the approach of W' to W caused such a sudden increase of vibration in R as to cause R to strike the face of the magnet with great force.

[PrevPage] [Next] [INDEX ]  Volume 1   24 Mar. 1876    Page 77  [Source] [ NOTES ]