Monuments and Dust Conference
July 16-17, 2002
Room 329, Senate House, University of London


Tuesday 16 July


Registration  9:30-10:00


Session 1.  10:00-11:15    The Dickens Crowd


Karen Chase & Michael Levenson (University of Virginia), “The Country Mouse and the City of Cats: Dickensian Age in ‘The Heart of Mid-London’”


Frank Lauterbach (Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen), “‘Alone in the coarse vulgar crowd’? Dickens’s Prisons and the Social  Topography of Victorian London”


Coffee  11:15-11:30


Session 2.  11:30-1:00    Oriental Cities


Steve Dodd (School of Oriental and African Studies), “From Edo to Tokyo: Capital of Modern Japan”


Ross Forman (School of Oriental and African Studies), “Possession Point: Representing Hong Kong at the End of the Victorian Era”


Joe McLaughlin (Ohio University), “Old Japan and the Tower of London: A. B. Mitford’s Medievalism”


Lunch  1:00-2:00


Session 3.  2:00-3:30    Digging the City


Gerhard Joseph (City University of New York), “Bleak House and the Compound Interest of London Mud”


Peter Hounsell, “‘Broken-backed under a heap of rubbish’: Perspectives on the Chiffonniers of Paris”


Virginia Zimmerman (Bucknell University), “No Place Like Rome: Urban Improvement and Archaeological Discovery in London and Barcelona”


Tea  3:30-3:45


Session 4.  3:45-5:00    London for Insiders


Michelle Allen (University of Virginia), “Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Interior London”


David Trotter (University College London), “Nineteenth-Century London and the Invention of Agoraphobia”



Wednesday 17 July


Session 1.  9:30-10:45    Monumental Visions


Martin Zerlang (University of Copenhagen), “New York Crystal Palace 1853: Form, Function, Reception, and a Few Words on its ‘Danish Connection’”


M.P.A. Sheaffer (Millersville University of Pennsylvania), “Otto Wagner’s Shaping Vision for a New City”


Coffee  10:45-11:00


Session 2.  11:00-12:30    Urban Technologies


John Picker (Harvard University), “‘Send Me Mr. Gladstone's Voice’: The Phonograph in Late Victorian London”


Ana Vadillo (Birkbeck College), “Passengers in London”


Lynda Nead (Birkbeck College), “Living London: The Metropolis on Film c.1900”


Lunch  12:30-1:30


Session 3.  1:30-3:00    Literary Transnationalism


Anne Humpherys (City University of New York), “Pickwick Abroad: G.W.M. Reynolds Writes Dickens and France”


Sara Hackenberg (Stanford University), “Painful Excitement: Exposé and the City in the Transatlantic Urban Mysteries Serial”


Mary Ellis Gibson (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), “The London/Calcutta Connection: Making Literary Annuals in Britain and Bengal”


Tea  3:00-3:15


Session 4.  3:15-4:30    Other Londons


Gregory Dart (University College London), “The Cockney Moment”


Morris Kaplan (Purchase College SUNY), “London as Pornotopia”