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1. 達巷黨人曰:「大哉孔子!博學而無所成名。」

2. 子聞之,謂門弟子曰:「吾何執?執御乎?執射乎?吾執御矣。」


1. A man of the village of Ta-hsiang said, 'Great indeed is the philosopher K'ung! His learning is extensive, and yet he does not render his name famous by any particular thing.'

2. The Master heard the observation, and said to his disciples, 'What shall I practise? Shall I practise charioteering, or shall I practise archery? I will practise charioteering.'

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IATHPublished by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, © Copyright 2003 by Anne Kinney and the University of Virginia