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Tall and strong grows the young millet,
Fattened by the genial rains.
Very long was our journey to the south,
But the earl of Zhou encouraged and cheered us.
We carried our burdens; we pushed along our barrows;
We drove our waggons; we led our oxen.
When our expedition was accomplished,
We knew we should return.
We went along on foot; we rode in our chariots; --
Our whole host, and our battalions.
When our expedition was accomplished,
We knew we should return home.
Severe was the work at Su,
But the earl of Zhou built the city.
Majestic was the march of our host; --
The earl of Zhou directed it.
The plains and low lands were regulated; --
The springs and streams were cleared.
The earl of Zhou completed his work,
And the heart of the king was at rest.
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IATHPublished by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, © Copyright 2003 by Anne Kinney and the University of Virginia