
1. 春秋: 五月甲午宋 大 災宋伯 姬 卒,

2. 春秋左傳: 或 叫 於 宋 大 廟 曰 譆 譆 出出. 鳥 嗚 於 亳 社,如 曰 譆 譆. 甲午宋 大 災. 宋伯 姬 卒待 姆 也. 君子 謂, 宋 共 姬 女 而 不 婦, 女待人, 婦義事 也

3. 公羊傳: 五 月 甲 午 宋 災 伯 姬 卒

秋 七 月 叔 弓 如 宋 葬 宋 共 姬

外 夫 人 不 書 葬
此 何 以 書?
隱 之 也
何 隱 爾?
宋 災伯 姬 卒 焉
其 稱 謚 何?
賢 也
何 賢 爾?

宋 災 伯 姬 存 焉
有 司 復 曰 火 至 矣 請 出
伯 姬 曰不 可
吾 聞 之 也
婦 人 夜 出不 見 傅 母 不 下 堂
傅 至 矣 母 未 至 也
逮 乎 火 而 死

4. 穀粱傳: 婦人以貞操為行者也.是伯姬 之婦道盡矣.詳其事賢伯姬也.


5. 莊子: 介子推至忠也,自割其股以食文公。文 公后背之,子推怒而去,抱木而燔死.

6. 比丘妮傳: 法音寺曇簡尼傳十 曇簡。本姓張。清河人也。為法淨尼弟子住寺。遊學淮海弘宣正法。先人後己志在廣濟。以齊建元四年立法音精舍。禪思靜默通達三昧。德聲遐布功化自遠。道俗敬仰盛修供施。時有慧明法師。深愛寂靜。本住道林寺。永明時為文惠帝竟陵文宣王之所修飾。僧多義學累講經論。去來諠動明欲去之。簡以寺為施因移白山。更立草菴以蔽風雨。應時行乞。取給所資。常聚樵木。云營功德。以建武元年二月十八日夜。登此積薪引火自焚。捨生死身供養三寶。近村見火競來赴救。及至簡已遷滅。道俗哀慟聲振山谷。即聚所餘為立墳剎也   

Related Text

1. Spring and Autumn Annals. [Chunqiu]: (incident dated to 543 B.C.)

On the jiawu day of the fifth month, there was a great fire in Song. Boji of Song died.

2. Mr. Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumn Annals. [Zuo zhuan] (ca. 301 B.C.)

Someone called out in the grand temple of Song, "Oh! Oh! Come out!" A bird also sang at the altar of Bo, as if it were saying, "Oh! Oh!" On a jiawu day there occurred a great fire in Song, when the duke's eldest daughter, who had been married to the ruler of Song, died. It happened because she waited for her governess. The superior man says, "Ji, wife of duke Gong of Song, behaved like a girl and not like a married woman. A married woman may act as circumstances dictate."

3. Mr. Gongyang's Commentary to the Spring and Autumn Annals [Gongyang zhuan] (mid-third century B.C.)

Fifth month, a jiawu day, there was a fire in Song. Boji died.
In the seventh month Shugong went to Song to bury Duke Song's lady, Ji.
Normally the burials of wives of foreign states are not mentioned.
Why is it recorded here?
To mourn her.
Why mourn her?
Because Boji died in the fire of Song.
What is her honorary posthumous title?
The Worthy.
Why worthy?

Boji was present at the fire of Song.
An officer repeatedly said, "Fire! Please come out!"
Boji said, "I cannot.
I have heard that
when a woman goes out at night, if she does not have her governess instructress and in attendance, she does not descend from the hall."
Although the instructress arrived the lady-in-waiting did not.
When she encountered the fire she died.

4. The Guliang Commentary to the Spring and Autunm Annals [Guliang zhuan] (late third century B.C.) (excerpt):

A woman makes purity/chastity her practice. In this way Boji fufilled the way of womanhood. Detailing her actions was a way to honor Boji.

5. Zhuangzi

Jie Zhitui was a model of fealty, going so far as to cut a piece of flesh from his thigh to feed his lord, Duke Wen. But later when Duke Wen overlooked him, he went off in a rage, wrapped his arms around a tree, and burned to death (i.e., after Jie withdrew to the forest, the duke tried to smoke him out but he chose to die in the fire.

6. Biqiuni zhuan, [Lives of the Nuns] (comp. ca.A.D. 501)

She often gathered firewood, saying that she was going to carry out a meritorius act, and on the day celebrating the Buddha's final nirvana, the eighth night of the second month in the first year of the jianwu reign (494), she mounted the pile of firewood and kindled a fire immolating herself, thereby abandoning her body of birth and death as an offering to the Three Treasures.

IATHPublished by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, © Copyright 2003 by Anne Kinney and the University of Virginia