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Chapter XX. Mutual Recriminations
Chapter XXI. How Ways Diverge
Chapter XXII. Impeaching the Worthy
Chapter XXIII. Pursuing the Way34
Chapter XXIV. Assertions and Aspersions
Chapter XXV. Filial Piety and Filial Suport
Chapter XXVI. Cutting Exchanges
Chapter XXVII. Shrill Polemics
Chapter XXVIII. On National Ills

Yen T'ieh Lun: Chaps. XX-XXVIII

[In continuation of Discourses on Salt and Iron 鹽 鐵 論, A Debate on State Control of Commerce and Industry in Ancient China, Chaps. I-XIX, translated from the Chinese of Huan K'uan (81 b.c.) with Introduction and Notes, by Esson M. Gale, ph.d. (Late E. J. Prill, Ltd., Leyden, 1931). Reviewed in this Journal, Vol. LXIII; and in the Chinese Social and Political Science Review, Vol. XV, No. 4; see also ibid., Vol. XVIII (April, 1934), pp. 1-52, "The Genesis and Meaning of Huan K'uan's `Discourses on Salt and Iron,' " by Chun-Ming Chang. The Commercial Press, Ltd., Shanghai, has published (1934) a newly edited text by 林 振 翰.]

Reprinted from the Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society , vol. LXV-1934, pp. 73-110)

Chapter XX. Mutual Recriminations
Chapter XXI. How Ways Diverge
Chapter XXII. Impeaching the Worthy
Chapter XXIII. Pursuing the Way34
Chapter XXIV. Assertions and Aspersions
Chapter XXV. Filial Piety and Filial Suport
Chapter XXVI. Cutting Exchanges
Chapter XXVII. Shrill Polemics
Chapter XXVIII. On National Ills


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IATHPublished by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, © Copyright 2003 by Anne Kinney and the University of Virginia