Introduction Notes

1. The literature on this condition is quite extensive. James Howard Kunstler's book, The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America's Man-made Landscape, provides an excellent account.

2. Traditional town planning alludes to a series of "innovations" in contemporary practice which recognize the value and cohesion of the street and the importance of neighborhoods in the social fabric of small town settings.

3. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Andres Duany, Peter Calthorpe, Stefanos Polyzoides and Elizabeth Moule, and Leon Krier (among many others) have all explored pedestrian oriented possibilities while at the same time recognizing the realities of the ubiquitous automobile in contemporary society.

4. This project does not follow the approach demonstrated by Mario Gandelsonas in some of his recent work. His book, The Urban Text, presents a rather limited view of the computer's role in his approach to analyzing the city. His use of the computer renders issues as purely graphic representations. Nowhere in his approach is the computer used to support tangible design proposals nor are perceptual qualities and experience within a city explored.

5. Citizen involvement has always been important in the social fabric of healthy neighborhoods. Recent planning practices in many communities have tried to embrace feedback and input through staged events, often called "Visioning Sessions". Unfortunately, this approach is almost entirely devoid of any formal content, focusing instead on "bubble diagrams" of community desires. These sessions often seem to devolve into group encounters, and even when the organizers feel that they have been successful, the lasting impact and influence is limited by the absence of tangible design direction. The "charrettes" of Duany, Plater-Zyberk and others have been much successful because design issues are the focus of discussion and exploration.

6. Not surprisingly, the history of Charlottesville and Albemarle County has been extensively documented in books, articles, dissertations, biographies, etc. The computer "text" contains a very extensive bibliographic listing. Among the most impressive articles dealing with the urban and architectural heritage of Charlottesville is K. Edward Lay's, "Charlottesville's Architectural Legacy", The Magazine of Albemarle County History, Vol. 46, Charlottesville, May, 1988..

7. James Alexander, Early Charlottesville: Recollections of James Alexander 1828-1874, Edited by Mary Rawlings, Albemarle County Historical Society, Charlottesville, 1942, p. 100.

8. Alexander, ibid. p. 110.

9. Alexander, ibid. pp. 98, 100.

10. John Hammond Moore, Albemarle, Jefferson's County, 1727-1976, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1976, p. 165.

11. Wilma T. Mangione, editor, From Porch Swings to Patios: An Oral History Project of Charlottesville Neighborhoods, 1914-1980, The City of Charlottesville, 1990.

12. Charlottesville's part in the movement of "massive resistance" was prominent; it was one of three communities which specifically challenged the federal imperative of school integration through court challenges. Contemporary newspaper articles document the drawn out period of controversy, and several scholarly articles and books have revisited this period. Among these are: Alexander De Mont, The Denouement of Virginia's Massive Resistance to Desegregation: The closing of the Schools in Charlottesville, Norfolk and Warren County, Thesis, University of Oxford, 1978. Anna Holden, The Bus Stops Here: A Study of School Desegregation in Three Cities, Agathon Press, Schocken Books, New York, 1974. Paul Gaston and Thomas T. Hammond, Public School Desegregation: Charlottesville, Virginia, 1955-1962, University of Virginia Printing Services, Charlottesville, 1962.

13. Moore, op.cit., pp. 429, 430.

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