In the Army NowDavid Willson162 pages, perfect bound, paper, 1995, $15.00, Widespread Panic #1; ISBN: 1-885215-16-9.You can order this text directly from us. Make check payable to Viet Nam Generation, PO Box 13746, Tucson, AZ 85732-3746. Purchase orders are accepted from schools and libraries, and can be emailed or faxed to 520-578-9208.This is the prequel to Willson's REMF series: REMF Diary and The REMF Returns . Willson's boot camp experience is very different from that described by most veterans in traditional Viet Nam war novels. He brings home the point, with wit and a sly sense of fun, that most Viet Nam veterans were not "warriors" in any sense of the word.