November 1992
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Poetry by Rod McQueary
--for a friend
the huey crew
made a routine hop
fast in and out
to get some local folks
the old viet
shuffles up
his flickering eyes
crooked gold-glint smile
tries to hide his fear
his last sin
fatal mistake
was to stumble
mar the polish on
a cold-eyed door-gunner's
spit shined boot
it was over in three
heart beats
they were up and gone
out of sight of the little
the old man's
struggling body parts
accepted death
and lay back
White Wall
- There ought to be another wall
- White, bright, pretty
- In a grove of trees
- with picnic tables,
- dance floor, and a
- Viet Vet ragtime band.
- A happy place where
- Folks could go to laugh
- and dance and argue
- Football teams and candidates.
- On the White Wall, there would be
- A tremendous list of those
- Who didn't die.
- Behind each name,
- a little heart... for a fulfilling marriage
- a little happy face... for a
- well-adjusted child,
- a little diploma... for a valuable education,
- a rewarding life.
- Everyone is welcome here,
- To cool drinks, rummy games,
- To meet interesting people who
- Talk, laugh, have fun, wander off.
- Live.
- To celebrate our survivorhood.
- Not mourn our stolen martyrdom.
There are some who will
Have to be shown
The White Wall.
Taken to their own name
and told
"There, by God, is proof."
For Life
If life were just one April day,
And I should wake, mid-afternoon,
To feel the sunshine on my shirt,
Warm scattered raindrops wet my cheek,
I'd marvel with my newborn eyes
At the beauty I had never seen.
If life should be one April day,
I'll not pine for a morning, lost,
Nor mourn some stolen martyrdom.
But hand in hand, my love and I
will lift one cup for fallen friends,
Then, our business done,
We'll laugh till wrinkles frame our eyes.
And in these final precious hours,
We'll celebrate the eveningtime.
for nothing
for paw-tay
a sunday evening phone call
to a brother-in-law
i ask about an old story
he half told once
- we took two dusters to the
- cambodian border
- or maybe farther
- he said
to a fire base on top a hill
assigned to shoot
russian resupply choppers
they had been taking
rockets mortars
all day
all night for two weeks
when the resupply hueys
would come in
these soldiers would
scream and jump
scream and jump
hang from the skids
the pilot would
wiggle and spin his ship
and shake them off
they would fall
and curse and sob
i was there two days
a long time he said
how many russian copters
did they get i ask
- none
- they
- could never get
- the clearance
- to shoot
Rod McQueary, Ruby Valley, NV, contributed poems to Viet Nam Generation 4:1-2. He is a leading Cowboy Poet, and appears frequently at Gatherings and in John Dofflemyer's Dry Crik Review, PO 51, Lemon Cove, CA 93244. Dofflemyer will soon publish Blood Trail, a collection of McQueary and fellow cowboy vet Bill Jones, Jr.