Sparta: week4

Uses represented: Institutional (purple), Commercial (red), Work (light blue), High Residential (gold), Low Residential (yellow) and Greenway (green). Mixed uses are featured at the urban Metro center and two smaller town centers.

This system flows from the larger town center south of the stream to the stream valley. Wetland plants help absorb water and purify it. Plants such as Sagittaria latifolia (Broad-leaf Arrowwood) take up phosphorus and heavy metals, and various Salix (Willows) can be used for water intake. The riprap checkdam slows the flow and along with retention allow groundwater recharge. The system functions as an urban park with particular interest during and after rains when ephemerals and wetland plants are most prominent.

The wetland easement along the back half of each lot protects the wetland and still allows construction on the front 75' of each property. This ties into the greenway system through a public path easement near the center of the swale.

Homewood is an early suburb designed by the Olmsted firm with a large boulevard containing small ponds.