Sample of the Swahili Noun Database.

Sample of the Swahili Noun Database.

Notes: If the dictionary lists the same root in more than one class with the same meaning, both class numbers are entered in the CLASS field, separated by a slash. If the same root occurs in more than one class with a difference in meaning, these are listed as separate records with "cf" in the GLOSS field indicating the other form. Diminutive and augmentative forms included in the database only if they have specialized meanings. If the class of the noun is unclear from the dictionary entry, a tentative class plus "?" is entered in the CLASS field.

NOUN                GLOSS                           CLASS  HUMAN       ANIMAL      PLANT       INANIMATE                  SHAPE       SIZE  NUMBER  AFFECT  DERIVED          NATUR  LOAN  SOURCE

kamba               honeycomb                       5      n           made        n           n                          3ds         na    s       s                        N            j
kambi               emcampment, camp                5      n           n           n           mm                         2d          l     s       x                        N            j
kamio               threat                          5      n           n           n           nom                        na          na    s       x       kama V           N            j
kanadili            projection from stern of        5      n           n           n           place part                 3ds         na    s       x                        N      ?     j
                    vessel,used as choo           
kanda               broad-bottom bag of plaited     5/9    n           n           n           tool cont                  3dh         l     s       x                        N            j
                    matting for grain             
kanda               foul, shameless, ribald person  5/9    char        n           n           n                          na          na    s       n                        N            j
kandiko             kneaded earth or clay for       5      n           n           n           nom mass                   na          na    s       x       kanda V          N            j
kandili             lantern                         5      n           n           n           tool                       3d          na    s       x                        N      a     j
kangaga             tall coarse reeds that grow     5      n           n           grass       n                          long        l     s       x                        N            j
                    round lakes/marsh             
kangaja             small mandarin orange, fruit    5      n           n           fruit       n                          3ds         s     s       x                        N            j
                    of mkangaja cf                
kangaja             fish with disagreeable smell    5      n           fish        n           n                          long        na    s       n                        N            j
kangaja             tussock herb w/stems up to      5      n           n           grass       n                          long        l     s       x                        N            j
                    3ft. tall                     
kanisa              church                          5      n           n           n           relig                      3dh         l     s       x                        N      a     j
kanja               leaf of coconut palm w/fronds   5      n           n           part        n                          2ds         na    s       x                        N            j
                    plaited tog.                  
kanju               fruit of cashew tree cf mkanju  5      n           n           fruit       n                          3ds         na    s       x                        N      h     j
kano                large sinew or tendon of        5      n           part        n           n                          long        l     s       x                        N            j
kano                denial                          5      n           n           n           nom                        na          na    s       x       kana V           N            j
kanzo               a heating or warming up         5      n           n           n           nom                        na          na    s       x       kanza V          N            j
kapela              unmarried man                   5      soc org     n           n           n                          na          na    s       x                        N            j
kapi                chaff, husks, e.g. of rice or   10     n           n           part        n                          na          na    p       x                        N            j
kapi                pulley: sheave enclosed in      5/9    n           n           n           tool                       long        l     s       x                        N            j
kara                splinter, spark, small piece    5      n           n           n                                      3ds         s     s       x                        N            j
kara                pause for s.o. else to start    5      n           n           n           relig abs                  na          na    s       x                        N            j
                    reading Koran                 
karanga             peanut, usually used of         9      n           n           nut         n                          3ds         s     s       x                        N            j
                    roasted nuts                  
karani              clerk, secretary                5      occup       n           n           n                          na          na    s       x                        N      P     j
kasha               box, chest, cupboard            5      n           n           n           arti cont                  3dh         l     s       x                        N      p     j
kasia               oar                             5      n           n           n           tool                       long        l     s       x                        N            j
kasisi              priest                          5      relig       n           n           n                          na          na    s       x                        N      a     j
katili              murderous, bloodthirsty person  5      char        n           n           n                          na          na    s       n                        N      a     j
kawa                conical dish cover of plaited   5      n           n           n           arti                       3dh         xl    s       x                        N            j
                    grass (amp.)                  
kawa                mildew, mould                   5/9    n           n           n           mass                       na          na    s       x                        N            j
kaya                kind of shell-fish              5      n           inv sea     n           n                          3d          na    s       x                        N            j
kazo                a pressing tight, holding       5      n           n           n           nom                        na          na    s       x       kaza V           N            j
                    hard, grip                    
kefu                a sufficient quantity,          9      n           n           n           nom                        na          na    s       x       kifu V           N      a     j
kelele              shout, uproar, noise            5      n           n           n           abs                        na          na    s       x                        N            j
kende               scrotum, testicle               5      n           n           n           body                       3ds         s     s       x                        N            j
kesha               night watch, vigil              5      n           n           n           nom                        na          na    s       x       kesha V          N            j
kiarabu             Arabic language                 7      n           n           n           abs                        na          na    s       x                        N      a     j
kichelema           cooked cassava,potatoes wh/are  7      n           n           n           food mass                  na          na    ?       n                        N            j
                    too watery                    
kichoma mguu        Black Jack:herb w/ barbed       7      n           n           wh          n                          na          s     s       x       choma V mguu N   N            j
kidachi             German language                 7      n           n           n           abs                        na          na    s       x                        N      g     j
kidiri              squirrel                        7      n           mam         n           n                          na          s     s       x                        N            j


Last Modified: Monday, 24-Apr-1995 11:13:43 EDT