Museum Educational Site Licensing Project: Content Selection Working Group

MESL Content Selection
Fowler Museum of Cultural History

1995 Distribution Description

The Fowler Museum's content selection for the first round of the MESL project was based on the concept that each data set of images and text should be comprehensive enough to form a useful teaching unit. We approached this in two ways. One data set, 170 Pre-Columbian ceramics from Peru, was taken from the catalogue for a recent exhibition. The other data set, comprising 343 African objects from the Yoruba and Akan cultures, was selected as a result of direct contact between our Curator of African Art and professors at MESL universities known to him to be interested in that material. We augmented the African data set with field photographs showing similar objects in actual use.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 14-Aug-1996 13:29:26 EDT