Monticello I

Date: 1771-1772
Medium: Ink
Support: Paper AK 18-3/4" X 13-1/2"
Author: Jefferson
Owner: ViU
Classification: N-47
Publication History: Nichols, Thomas Jefferson's Architectural Drawings, 1984
Commentary: Select Architecture, as one of the oldest drawings extant for Moniticello is a tracing he made of Plate 3. Jefferson then experimented in wood and in brick, with a two-story portico and an arcaded first floor, a motif reappearing in 1817 at the University of Virignia in Pavilion VII. It was to become a favorite Virginia house plan, antedating the James Semple house in Williamsburg, which has a similar plan. Jefferson's version (No. 1 and Cover) was the same type, and after the basement walls wer up, he added the octagonal bays to the parlor and the ends of the building (No. 4 and Cover).

