Selected Bibliography
- Ackerman, James S., The Villa:Form and Idelogy of Country
Houses(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990)
- Adams, William Howard, ed. The Eye of Thomas Jefferson
(Washington, D.C.: National
Gallery of Art, 1976)
- Adams,William Howard, ed., Jefferson and the Arts: An Extended
View ,(Washington, D. C.:
National Gallery of Art, 1976), contains important essays such as:
Paul Norton, "Jefferson and the Planning of the National Capital,"
- Adams, William Howard, Jefferson's Monticello (New
- "Architectural Forum Master Detail Series: Historic American
Buildings: Liberty Hall, Frankfort, Kentucky, Thomas Jefferson,
Architect," Architectural Forum61 (September 1934), 203-209.
Spurious attribution.
- Beiswanger, William L., "The Temple in the Garden: Thomas
Jefferson's Vision of the Monticello Landscape," Eighteenth Century Life n.s. 8 (January
1983), 170-88
- Beiswanger, William L. "Thomas Jefferson's Designs for Garden
Structures at Monticello," Master's Thesis, University of Virginia,
- Berman, Eleanor D., Thomas Jefferson Among the Arts (New
York: Philosophical Press, 1947)
- Betts, Edwin Morris, "Groundplans and Prints of the University of
Virginia, 1822-1826," Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Society 90 (1946), 81-90.
- Betts, Edwin M., ed., Thomas Jefferson's Garden Book 1766-1824
(Philadelphia, 1944, later
- Boyd, Julian, P., et al, eds.The Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950+)
- Brownell, Charles, and Calder Loth, William Rasmussen, Richard Guy
Wilson, The Making of Virginia Architecture (Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and
Charlottesville:University Press of Virginia, 1992)
- Bruce, Philip Alexander, History of the University of
Virginia 1819-1919 (New York: MacMillan Co.1920)
- Cabell, Joseph, Early History of the University of Virginia
(Richmond: J. W. Randolph, 1856)
- Carlton, Mable Mason, and Fiske Kimball, Thomas Jefferson: an
outline of his life and service, with the story of Monticello, the
home he reared and loved New York: Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Foundation, 1924)
- Carson, Cary, and Norman F. Barka, William M. Kelso, Gary Wheeler
Stone, and Del Upton, "Impermanent Architecture in the Southern
American Colonies," Winterthur Portfolio 16
(Summer/Autumn, 1981), 135-78
- Chambers, Jr., S. Allen, Popular Forest and Thomas
Jefferson(Lynchburg: Corporation for Thomas Jefferson's Popular
Forest, 1993)
- Chinard, Gilbert, Thomas Jefferson: Apostle of Americanism (Boston:
Little Brown,1939)
- Cote, Richard C., The Architectural Workmen of Thomas Jefferson
in Virginia(Ph. D. dissertation,
Boston University, 1986)
- Creese, Walter L., The Crowning of the American Landscape: Eight
Great Spaces and their buildings (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985) 9-42.
- Cunningham, Jr., Noble E., In Pursuit of Reason: The Life of
Thomas Jefferson (paperback)
(New York: Ballantine Books,1988 [1987])
- Dumbauld, Edward, Thomas Jefferson, American Tourist
(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1946)
- Ford, Paul L., ed.The Works of Thomas Jefferson (New York:
G. P. Putman, 1892, 1904)
10 vols, and 12 vols.
- Frary, Ihna Thayer, Thomas Jefferson, Architect and Builder
(Richmond:Garrett and Massie, 1931) A pictorial supplement to Kimball,
who wrote the introduction.
- Gowans, AlanImages of American Living: Four Centuries of
Architecture and Furniture as Cultural Expression (Philadelphia:
J. P. Lippincott, 1964), 243-53--important but probably wrong
interpretation of Jefferson's architecture as Masonic
- Guinness, Desmond and Julius Trousdale Sadler, Jr., Mr.
Jefferson, Architect (New York: Viking, 1973)
- Hogan, Pendelton, The Lawn: A Guide to Jefferson's University
(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,1987) A basic tourist's
guide--unfortunately it contains inaccuracies
- Isaac, Rhys, The Transformation of Virginia,
1740-1790(Chapel Hill:Early American History and Culture and the University of North
Carolina Press, 1982)--probably the most influential book on Virgina
- Kallen, H. M. "The Arts and Thomas Jefferson,Ethics53 (July
1943), 269-83.
- Kelso, William M. "Landscape Archaeology: A Key to Virginia's
Past," Eighteenth Century Life 8, ns.2 (January 1983),
- Kennedy, Roger, Architecture, Men, Women and Money(New
York: Random House, 1985) Important treatment of Palladianism as the architecture of slavery
- Kimball, Fiske, American Architecture (Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1928)
- Kimball, Fiske, "The Building of Bremo,"Virginia Magazine of History
and Biography57 (January 1949)
- Kimball, Fiske, The Capitol of Virginia: A Landmark of Virginia
Architecture ed. Jon Kukla, Martha C. Vick, Sarah Shields
Driggs (Richmond:Virginia State Library and Archives, 1989), originally
published as "Thomas Jefferson and the First Monument of the Classical
Revival in America," Journal of the American Institute of
Architects 3 (1915), 371-381, 421-433, 473-491 (Kimball's Ph. D.
disseration at the University of Michigan, 1915)
- Kimball, Fiske, "A Church Designed by Jefferson," Architectural
Record53 (February 1923), 184-186. Treats Christ Church in
Charlottesville, has a much later photograph.
- Kimball, Fiske, Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies
and the Early Republic (New York: Charles Scribner's & Sons,
- Kimball, Fiske, "Form and Function in the Architecture of
Jefferson," Magazine of Art 40(April 1947), 150-153.
- Kimball, Fiske, "Jefferson and the Arts," Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society 87, 3 (1943), 238-245.
- Kimball, Fiske "Jefferson and the Public Buildings of Virginia,
Williamsburg, 1770-1776," Huntington Library Quarterly 12, nos. 2-3
(February, May, 1949),
- Kimball, Fiske "Jefferson's Design for Two Kentucky
Houses," Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians 9 (Oct. 1950) 14-16.
- Kimball, Fiske "Jefferson's Grounds and Gardens at Monticello,"
Landsapce Architecture 1926,
- Kimball, Fiske "The Life Portraits of Jefferson and their
Replicas," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 88
, 6 (June 1944), 497-534.
- Kimball, Fiske "The Stuart Portraits of Jefferson," Gazetee des
Beaux-Arts ^th Series, 23, no. 916 (June 1943), 329-344.
- Kimball, Fiske "Thomas Jefferson and the origins of the Classical
Revival in America," Art and Archaeology I, 6 (May 1915),
- Kimball, Fiske Thomas Jefferson, Architect (Boston:
Privately Printed, 1916, reprint
edition, with new introduction by Frederick Doventon Nichols,
New York: Da Capo Press,
- Kimball, Maria, Jefferson: The Scene of Europe 1784-79 (New
York: Coward-McCann, 1950)
- Lambeth, William Alexander, and Warren H. Manning, Thomas
Jefferson as an Architect and a Designer of Landscapes(New York:
Houghton Mifflin Co, 1913
- Lancaster, Clay, "Jefferson's Architectural Indebtedness to Robert
Morris," Journal of
the Society of Architectural Historians 10 (March 1951), pp.
- Lancaster, Clay, "Palladianism in the Bluegrass," Gazette des
Beaux-Arts VI per, vol.
XXV, (1944) 347-370.
- Lasalla, Joseph Michael, "Thomas Jefferson's Designs for the
University of Virginia" MA Thesis, University of Virginia, 1992.
- Lehmann, Karl, Thomas Jefferson: American Humanist (New York:
Macmillan, 1947, reprint
edition, Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1985).
- Lay, K. Edward, "Jefferson's Master Builders," University of
Virginia Alumni News 80
(October 1991), 16-19.
- Lipscomb, Andrew A., and Albert E. Bergh, eds.The Writings of
Thomas Jefferson (Washington, D. C.: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1903-05),
20 vols.
- Little, Bryan, "Cambridge and the Campus: An English Antecedent for
the Lawn of the University of Virginia," Virginia Magazine of
History and
Biography 79 (April 1971),
- Lounsbury, Carl L. ed., An Illustrated Glossary of Early
Southern Architecture and
Landscape (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994).
- Lucas, Ann M. "Ordering His Environment: Thomas Jefferson's
Architecture from Monticello to the University of Virginia," Master's
Thesis, University of Virginia, 1989
- McDonald, Jr., Travis C. "The Brickwork at Popular Forest: Mr.
Jefferson Builds His Dream House," APT Bulletin XXVII, nos.1-2
(1996), 36-46.
- McEwan, Barbara,Thomas Jefferson: Farmer (Jefferson, NC:
McFarland and Co., 1991
- McLaughlin, Jack, Jefferson and Monticello: The Biography of a
Builder(New York: Henry Holt, 1988)
- Malone, Dumas,Jefferson and His Time 6 vols (Boston,
1948-81) The standard--and great--study
- Martin, Edwin T., Thomas Jefferson: Scientist (New York:
Collier Books, 1952)
- Miller, Charles A., Jefferson and
Nature: An Interpretation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1988)
- Montgomery, Henry C., "The Architecture of the American
Republic,"Classical Weekly34 (December 17, 1945), 74-78.
- Morrison, Hugh, Early American Architecture (New York: 1952)
Traditional treatment of Jefferson as Architect in colonial vein
- Mumford, Lewis, "The Universalism of Thomas Jefferson," in his,
The South in Architecture (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1941), 43-78
- Nichols, Frederick Doveton, Thomas Jefferson's Architectural
Drawings (Boston:Massachusetts Historical Society, Charlottesville: Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Foundation and the University Press of Virginia, 1961, and later editions), the
standard list of drawings.
- Nichols, Frederick Doveton, and Ralph E. Griswold, Thomas
Jefferson Landscape Architect (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1978)
- Noland, Nancy, "Jefferson and Palladio," Vassar Journal of
Undergraduate Studies 16 (May 1943), 1-15
- O'Gorman, James F.The Perspective of Anglo-American
Architecture exh. cat.
(Philadelphia: The Athenaeum, 1995)
- O'Neal, William B., and Frederick D. Nichols, "An Architectural
History of the First University Pavilion," Magazine of
Albemarle County History 15 (1955-56) 34-43.
- O'Neal, William B., "Financing the Construction of the University
of Virginia: Notes and Documents" Magazine of Albermarle County
History 23 (1964-65), 5-34.
- O'Neal, William B., ed., "An Intelligent Interest in Architecture, A
Bibliography of Publications about Thomas Jefferson as an Architect, together with an
Iconography of Nineteenth-Century Prints of the University of Virginia," The
American Association of Architectural Bibliographers, Papers, 6 (1969), v-131.
-dated but important.
- O'Neal,William B., Jefferson's Buildings at the University of
Virginia: The Rotunda
(Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1960)
- O'Neal, William B., "Michele and Giacome Raggi at the University
of Virginia: With Notes and Documents."Magazine of Albermarle County
History 18 (1959-60), 5-31.
- O'Neal, William B., Pictorial History of the University of
Virginia (Charlottesville:
University Press of Virginia, 1968)
- O'Neal, William B., "The Workmen at the University of Virginia
1817-1826" Magazine of Albemarle County History 17 (1958-59),
- Onuf, Peter, ed., Jefferson Legacies (Charlottesville:
University Press, 1994) has important essays on Monticello by Rhys Isaac, Lucia C. Stanton,
"`Those Who Lobor for my Happiness': Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves,"
and Paul Finkleman, "Jefferson and Slavery: `Treason Against the Hopes of the World'".
- Padover, Saul K., Thomas Jefferson and the National Capital:
1783-1818 (Washington, D.
C., GPO, 1946), valuable compliation of documents
- Peterson,Merrill D., The Jefferson Image in the American Mind
(New York: Oxford
University Press, 1960).--important study, traces how Americans have
viewed Jefferson
- Peterson, Merrill D.,Thomas Jefferson: A Reference
Biography (New York: Scriber, 1986)--chapters on major themes in
Jefferson studies; Frederick Nichols contributes on Jefferson and
- Peterson, Merrill D., Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation
(New York:Oxford University Press, 1970)--excellent
- Peterson, Merrill D., ed., Visitors to Monticello
(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1989)
Travelors and visitors accounts
- Pierson, William B.,The Colonial and the Neo-Classical
Styes, vol. 1
in, American
Buildings and Their Architects (Garden City: Doubleday, 1970)
- Reps, John W. The Making of Urban America: A History of City
in the United
States (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965),
one of few to treat Jefferson and
- Rice, Jr., Howard C., Thomas Jefferson's Paris (Princeton:
Princeton University Press,
- Riddick, Susan C., "The Influence of B. H. Latrobe on Jefferson's
Design for the University of Virginia," Master's Thesis, University of
Virginia, 1988
- Robinson, Joyce Henri, "An American Cabinet of Curiosities: Thomas
Jefferson's Indian Hall at Monticello," Winterthur Portfolio
30, no. 1(Spring 1995), 41-58.
- Scott, Pamela, Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a New
Nation (New York:
Oxford, 1995)
- Shawen, Neil M. "The Casting of a Lengthened Shadow; Thomas
Jefferson's Role in Determing the Site for a State University in
Virginia." Ph. D. Dissertation, George Washington University, 1980
- Sommer, III, Frank H., "Thomas Jefferson's First Plan for a
Virginia Building," in Papers
on American Art, ed. John C. Milley (Maple Shade, N. J: Edinburgh
Press, for the Friends of Independence National Historical Park, 1976)
- Sowerby, E. Millicent, Catalogue of the Library of Thomas
Jefferson 5 vols. (Washington,
D. C.: Library of Congress, GPO, 1952-55).
- Stein, Susan R., The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson at
Monticello(New York: Abrams, 1993)
- Tallmadge, Thomas,The Story of Architecture in America, revised edition(New York: W. W.
Norton, 1936), 82 where Jefferson is described "certainly ...not an artist and but
doubtfully an architect."
- Tavernor, Robert, Palladio and Palladianism (London: Thames
and Hudson, 1991)
- Turner, Paul V., Campus: An American Planning Tradition (New
York: The Architectural
History Foundation, 1984), 79-83.
- Vaughn, Joseph L. and Omer A. Gianney, Thomas Jefferson's
Rotunda Restored, 1973-1976: A Pictorial Review with Commentary
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1981
- Wenger, Mark R., "Thomas Jefferson and the Virginia State Capitol,"
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 101 (Jan. 1993), pp. 77-102.
- Wilson, Douglas L., "Dating Jefferson's Early Architectural
Drawings," Virginia Magazine
of History and Biography, 101 (Jan. 1993), 53-76.
- Wilson, Richard Guy, ed., Thomas Jefferson's Academical Village: The Creation of an
American Masterpiece (Charlottesville: Bayly Museum and University Press of
Charlottesville, 1993)
- Woods, Mary N. "Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia:
Planning the Academical Village," Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians 44.3 (October 1985), 266-83.