Academical Village-Bibliography

  • Betts, Edwin Morris, "Groundplans and Prints of the University of Virginia, 1822-1826," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 90 (1946), 81-90.
  • Bruce, Philip Alexander, History of the University of Virginia 1819-1919 (New York: MacMillan Co.1920)
  • Cabell, Joseph, Early History of the University of Virginia (Richmond: J. W. Randolph, 1856)
  • Hogan, Pendelton, The Lawn: A Guide to Jefferson's University (1987) basic guide, contains inaccuracies.
  • Kimball, Fiske Thomas Jefferson, Architect (Boston: Privately Printed, 1916, reprint edition, with new introduction by Frederick Doventon Nichols, New York: Da Capo Press, 1968).
  • Lambeth, William Alexander, and Warren H. Manning, Thomas Jefferson as an Architect and a Designer of Landscapes(New York: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1913
  • Lasalla, Joseph Michael, "Thomas Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia" MA Thesis, University of Virginia, 1992.
  • Lucas, Ann M. "Ordering His Environment: Thomas Jefferson's Architecture from Monticello to the University of Virginia," Master's Thesis, University of Virginia, 1989
  • Malone, Dumas,The Sage of Monticello vol. 6 of Jefferson and His Time(Boston, 1981)
  • O'Neal, William B., and Frederick D. Nichols, "An Architectural History of the First University Pavilion," Magazine of Albemarle County History 15 (1955-56) 34-43.
  • O'Neal, William B., "Financing the Construction of the University of Virginia: Notes and Documents" Magazine of Albermarle County History 23 (1964-65), 5-34.
  • O'Neal, William B., ed., "An Intelligent Interest in Architecture, A Bibliography of Publications about Thomas Jefferson as an Architect, together with Iconography of Nineteenth-Century Prints of the University of Virginia," The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers, Papers, 6 (1969), v-131. -dated but important.
  • O'Neal, William B., "Michele and Giacome Raggi at the University of Virginia: With Notes and Documents."Magazine of Albermarle County History 18 (1959-60), 5-31.
  • O'Neal, William B., Pictorial History of the University of Virginia(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,
  • O'Neal, William B., "The Workmen at the University of Virginia 1817-1826" Magazine of Albemarle County History 17 (1958-59), 5-48.
  • Riddick, Susan C., "The Influence of B. H. Latrobe on Jefferson's Design for the University of Virginia," Master's Thesis, University of Virginia, 1988
  • Shawen, Neil M. "The Casting of a Lengthened Shadow; Thomas Jefferson's Role in Determing the Site for a State University in Virginia." Ph. D. Dissertation, George Washington University, 1980
  • Turner, Paul V., Campus: An American Planning Tradition (New York: The Architectural History Foundation, 1984), 79-83.
  • Vaughn, Joseph L. and Omer A. Gianney, Thomas Jefferson's Rotunda Restored, 1973-1976: A Pictorial Review with Commentary Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1981
  • Wilson, Richard Guy, "The Conflagration and the Making of the `New' University" in"Arise and Build"(1995)
  • Wilson, Richard Guy, ed., Thomas Jefferson's Academical Village (Charlottesville: Bayly Museum of Art, 1993)
  • Woods, Mary N. "Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia: Planning the Academical Village," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 44.3 (October 1985), 266-83.

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