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1. 樊遲問仁。子曰:「愛人。」問知。子曰:「知人。」

2. 樊遲未達。

3. 子曰:「舉直錯諸枉,能使枉者直。」

4. 樊遲退,見子夏,曰:「鄉也吾見於夫子而問知,子曰:『舉直錯諸枉,能使枉者直』,何謂也?」

5. 子夏曰:「富哉言乎!

6. 舜有天下,選於眾,舉皋陶,不仁者遠矣。湯有天下,選於眾,舉伊尹,不仁者遠矣。」


1. Fan Ch'ih asked about benevolence. The Master said, 'It is to love all men.' He asked about knowledge. The Master said, 'It is to know all men.'

2. Fan Ch'ih did not immediately understand these answers.

3. The Master said, 'Employ the upright and put aside all the crooked;--in this way the crooked can be made to be upright.'

4. Fan Ch'ih retired, and, seeing Tsze-hsia, he said to him, 'A little while ago, I had an interview with our Master, and asked him about knowledge. He said, "Employ the upright, and put aside all the crooked;--in this way, the crooked will be made to be upright." What did he mean?'

5. Tsze-hsia said, 'Truly rich is his saying!

6. 'Shun, being in possession of the kingdom, selected from among all the people, and employed Kai-yao, on which all who were devoid of virtue disappeared. T'ang, being in possession of the kingdom, selected from among all the people, and employed I Yin, and all who were devoid of virtue disappeared.'

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IATHPublished by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, © Copyright 2003 by Anne Kinney and the University of Virginia