Dearest Alix The posts are very inconvenient. I shan't find a letter from you till I get to the post office to post this, after tea. Will you write very often, and tell me everything you do? It doesn't matter how unimportant it is to you: I'll like to hear about it. Lytton & Sebastion went off this morning-Lytton for a week-end at Mary Hutch's-so I'm left a trois with the C. P.s. They seem to be on the very best of terms with each other-in fact if you come to the room suddenly you're as likely as not to find them scuffling together in an armchair.-She tells me that the American woman (whose name I can't even remember)-oh Henrietta-has a new lady friend & and has thrown over "Tommy" (and Carrington?). Tommy is in a terrible state, and Carrington is sending him over for analysis-I don't think. Judge Bingham married again in order to spite Henrietta because of her coldness to him. -Other gossip: Adrian is said now to be in the most awful condition & threatens to shoot himself. (That'ld be a good ad. for Glover.) Karin will remain till he gets through his final exam. in March & then hopes to fly for ever to America. --If he shoots himself in our sitting-room it'll not only spoil the carpet but also damage our professional careers-so I suppose I shall have to try and avert it. There's a very curious correspondence going on in the Nation, which I'll send as soon as I can get hold of it. It began apparently with a violent atack by Clive upon "Dr. Freud" for having the taste of a housemaid in questions of "Art." I haven't seen this. There was then a heated defense of the Dr. by Mr Tatlock, followed by a rejoinder from Clive backed up be a warm letter from Sir Byron Donkin. Lytton has become a complete victim to the Cross Word Puzzles & spent all yesterday looking up words in Dictionaries. Good bye dearest. Tomorrow's Sunday. So there'll be no post out or in. Have you begun the stove, yet? It's very cold here, & the logs are blazing (or would be if they weren't wet). Dear Alix, I love you always, James | ![]() ![]() p. s. I expect I shall go up to London on Wednesday for one night (for the Ps-An. meeting) and then I shall return here till the Monday after. ![]() |