Stripping the
Adult Century Bare
M. L. Liebler
64 pages, perfect bound, paper, 1995, $12.00, White Noise #6; ISBN: 1-885215-09-6.
You can order this text directly from us. Make check payable to Viet Nam Generation, PO Box 13746, Tucson, AZ 85732-3746. Purchase orders are accepted from schools and libraries, and can be emailed or faxed to 520-578-9208.
"M.L. Liebler is one of the backbones of the poetry renaissance."
----The Detroit Free Press
"M.L. Liebler writes with passion and an intense understanding of his subject matter. He wants his poems to catch fire in his audience's heart and burn down the apathy, ignorance, and hatred planted there and nurtured by not taking responsibility for one's own actions. Liebler is primarily a performance poet, his poetry meant for the physical act of speaking out and talking back."
----Faye Kicknosway, author of All These Voices: Collected Poems and For Who Shall Know Them
"M.L. Liebler is a complex mix of poet, university professor, performance poet, Lollapalooza performer and Christian writer... he has played a vital role in keeping the poetry scene alive during its dark days of the 70s and 80s."
----The Detroit News
"Liebler writes close clipped verse of a political bent that reflects his anger and angst over the aftermath of the Vietnam War. He plumbs his soul, searching out a distinctive voice that reflects his Michigan homeland and extends the legacy of noted Midwestern poet James Wright."
----The Woodstock Times
M.L. Liebler has been called a cross between T.S. Eliot and Ward Cleaver. He is a professor of English and Wayne State University, a small press publisher and a social activist. His Magic Poetry Band regularly performs in his home town of Detroit, and occasionally tours. Stripping the Adult Century Bare is an anthology of Liebler's new and older verse, focusing on the impact of the 1960s on his life. His heroes are Jesus and John Lennon.