What Are the New Dialogue Transcripts?

Over the past several months persons with backgrounds in medicine, law, ethics, theology, business and economics have gathered for weekend conversations on the subject of the moral crisis. These conversations were taped, transcribed, and edited to produce the materials which appear here.

Like most unstructured conversations, the conversation moved around from topic to topic with several people often talking at once. To make it somewhat understandable outside of the conversational setting the commentary had to be condensed and many comments merged. As a result, the dialogue had to be reproduced under psuedonyms. We chose names that have appeared in familiar dialogues of the past, the Platonic Dialogues, the Dialogues on Natural Religion, and others. This selection of names from classical texts was not done to try to attach weight or importance to what is said, that will be for you the visitors to determine.

Complete Transcript of the New Dialogue:

Visit here for the full, chronological text of the Dialogue with informative links to the Glossary of Terms.

Topical Guide to the New Dialogue:

Click on one of the following topics for a contextualized survey of issues discussed in the initial sessions of the New Dialogue.

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Document URL: www2.iath.virginia.edu/cecmpe/nddoor.html
Last Modified: Thursday, 28-Feb-2008 14:34:34 EST