IATH Best Practices Guide to Digital Panoramic Photography: QTVR and Related Technologies


Appendix 4. Sample batch scripts

Contains two scripts by Ken Stuart: PanoImageSorter.pl and PTMacPanoImageSorter.pl (for MacPerl).


# This script takes sets of pano image files and sorts them into folders and
# bracketed sets,
saving a lot of time compared to manually creating new folders,
# naming them, and then moving files from the original to the sets. The specified
# folder must contain a complete sets of files, i.e., if there are 10 nodes and
# each node consists of 8 shots, each of which has 3 bracketed images, then the
# folder must contain 240 images exactly.

use strict;

# Path and name of folder with pano images, e.g.
# /Users/jdoe/Desktop/Panos/originals
my $StartingFolder = "/Users/kenstuart/Desktop/originals";

# Path and name of folder to store sorted images.
my $EndingFolder = "/Users/kenstuart/Desktop/project";

# Number of images per pano, usually 4-8, including top and bottom.
my $NumberOfImagesPerPano = 8;

# Number of frames per shot, usually 3 if bracketing, or 1 if no bracketing.
my $NumberOfBrackets = 3;

# Names, in order, that you want to call bracketed sets, e.g., normal, dark, light.
# You should have the same number of terms as number of brackets; if no brackets,
# you may wish to have a generic term.
my @BracketNames = ("Normal", "Dark", "Light");

# Number of nodes shot.
my $NumberOfNodes = 17;

# Enter a set of names for the folders that will contain each node, e.g., apse,
# nave, northaisle, southaisle. If you leave the list of node names blank, the
# script will assign them names in the format "Node_n" where n is the number of
# the node.
# my @NodeNames = ("A", "B", "C");
my @NodeNames = ();
my $number = 0;
if ($#NodeNames == -1) {
      for (my $i=1; $i<=$NumberOfNodes; $i++) {
            if ($i < 10) {$number = "0".$i;} else {$number = $i;}
            push(@NodeNames, "Node_".$number);

# Enter file extension used to in image filenames, usually either .jpg or .tif.
my $ImageFileNameExt = ".jpg";

# Check starting folder.
unless (-e $StartingFolder) {print "Could not find starting folder $StartingFolder. Please check its name in this script on and on the machine. Names may be case-sensitive, and should not contain certain special characters such as spaces, slashes or colons. Cannot continue until problem is resolved.\n\n"; exit;}

# Load image files into a list and sort it.
opendir (DIRLIST, $StartingFolder) || die print "Cannot open directory $@.";
my @ImageFiles = grep {/$ImageFileNameExt$/i} readdir(DIRLIST);
@ImageFiles = sort(@ImageFiles);
close (DIRLIST);

# Confirm correct number of images in directory.
my $neededImages = $NumberOfImagesPerPano * $NumberOfBrackets * $NumberOfNodes;
my $imageCount = $#ImageFiles+1;
print "Number of images needed: $neededImages; number found in $StartingFolder: $imageCount\n";
if ($neededImages != $imageCount) {
      print "Cannot continue. Please check numbers and image set.\n\n";

# Make destination folder.
unless (-e $EndingFolder) {mkdir $EndingFolder;}

# Make new folders for each node and each bracket and move images to them.
my $count = 0;
foreach my $nodeName (@NodeNames) {
      for (my $i=0; $i<$NumberOfImagesPerPano; $i++) {
            unless (-e "$EndingFolder/$nodeName") {mkdir "$EndingFolder/$nodeName";}
             foreach my $bracketName (@BracketNames) {
                  unless (-e "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName") {mkdir "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName";}
                  print "Moved $StartingFolder/@ImageFiles[$count] to $EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName/@ImageFiles[$count]\n";
                  rename ("$StartingFolder/@ImageFiles[$count]", "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName/@ImageFiles[$count]");




# This script takes sets of pano image files and sorts them into folders and
# bracketed sets, saving a lot of time compared to manually creating new folders,
# naming them, and then moving files from the original to the sets. The specified
# folder must contain a complete sets of files, i.e., if there are 10 nodes and
# each node consists of 8 shots, each of which has 3 bracketed images, then the
# folder must contain 240 images exactly.

# This script also loads a PTMac template file, modifies it to use the images
# files, and saves it for use in PTBatch.

use strict;
use MacPerl; # Used to set file type and creator for output template file, so that PTBatch recognizes it.

# Path and name of folder with pano images, e.g. /Users/jdoe/Desktop/Panos/originals
my $StartingFolder = "/Users/kenstuart/Desktop/Carter";

# Path and name of folder to store sorted images.
my $EndingFolder = "/Users/kenstuart/Desktop/Carter";

# Path and name of PTMac template file.
my $PTMacTemplateFile = "/Users/kenstuart/Desktop/template.ptmac";

# Number of images per pano, usually 4-8, including top and bottom.
my $NumberOfImagesPerPano = 9;

# Number of frames per shot, usually 3 if bracketing, or 1 if no bracketing.
my $NumberOfBrackets = 1;

# Names, in order, that you want to call bracketed sets, e.g., normal, dark, light.
# You should have the same number of terms as number of brackets; if no brackets,
# you may wish to have a generic term.
my @BracketNames = ("Auto");

# Number of nodes shot.
my $NumberOfNodes = 17;

# Enter a set of names for the folders that will contain each node, e.g., apse,
# nave, northaisle, southaisle.
# If you leave the list of node names blank, the script will assign them names in the format "Node_n" where n is the number of the node.
#my @NodeNames = ("A", "B", "C");
my @NodeNames = ();
my $number = 0;
if ($#NodeNames == -1) {
      for (my $i=1; $i<=$NumberOfNodes; $i++) {
            if ($i < 10) {$number = "0".$i;} else {$number = $i;}
             push(@NodeNames, "Node_".$number);

# Enter file extension used to in image filenames, usually either .jpg or .tif.
my $ImageFileNameExt = ".tif";

# Load PTMac template file into memory.
open(TEMPLATE, $PTMacTemplateFile) || die ("Could not find starting folder $PTMacTemplateFile. Please check its name in this script on and on the machine. Names may be case-sensitive, and should not contain certain special characters such as spaces, slashes or colons. Cannot continue until problem is resolved.\n\n");
my @template = <TEMPLATE>;
my $template = "";
foreach my $line (@template) {$template .= $line;}

# Check starting folder.
unless (-e $StartingFolder) {print "Could not find starting folder $StartingFolder. Please check its name in this script on and on the machine. Names may be case-sensitive, and should not contain certain special characters such as spaces, slashes or colons. Cannot continue until problem is resolved.\n\n"; exit;}

# Load image files into a list and sort it.
opendir (DIRLIST, $StartingFolder) || die print "Cannot open directory $@.";
my @ImageFiles = grep {/$ImageFileNameExt$/i} readdir(DIRLIST);
@ImageFiles = sort(@ImageFiles);
close (DIRLIST);

# Confirm correct number of images in directory.
my $neededImages = $NumberOfImagesPerPano * $NumberOfBrackets * $NumberOfNodes;
my $imageCount = $#ImageFiles+1;
print "Number of images needed: $neededImages; number found in $StartingFolder: $imageCount\n";
      if ($neededImages != $imageCount) {
      print "Cannot continue. Please check numbers and image set.\n\n";

# Make destination folder.
unless (-e $EndingFolder) {mkdir $EndingFolder;}

# Make new folders for each node and each bracket and move images to them.
# Also, create PTMac template file for each node/bracket.
my $count = 0;
my %templates;
my $templateFileName = "";
my $templateStr = "";
foreach my $nodeName (@NodeNames) {
      for (my $i=0; $i<$NumberOfImagesPerPano; $i++) {
            unless (-e "$EndingFolder/$nodeName") {mkdir "$EndingFolder/$nodeName";}
            foreach my $bracketName (@BracketNames) {
                  unless (-e "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName") {
                        mkdir "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName";
                        $templates{$bracketName} = $template;
                  print "Moved $StartingFolder/@ImageFiles[$count] to $EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName/@ImageFiles[$count]\n";
                  rename ("$StartingFolder/@ImageFiles[$count]", "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName/@ImageFiles[$count]");
                  $templateStr = "$EndingFolder/$nodeName/$bracketName/@ImageFiles[$count]";
                  $templateStr =~ s#/#:#g;
                  $templates{$bracketName} =~ s/path:filename/$templateStr/is;
      while((my $key, my $value) = each(%templates)) {
            # Save template file.
            $templateFileName = "$EndingFolder/$nodeName"."_"."$key.ptmac";
            open(TEMPLATE, ">$templateFileName");
            print TEMPLATE $value;
            close (TEMPLATE);
            MacPerl::SetFileInfo("PTMC", "TEXT", $templateFileName);

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