Discourses on Salt and Iron
Bibliographical Data

I. Historical Backgrounds of the Debate
II. The Discourses and their Author
III. Huan K'uan as Prose Writer
Translation of the Yen T'ieh Lun
本 議 第 一 Chapter I. The Basic Argument
力 耕 第 二 Chapter II. Hold Fast the Plough
通 有 第 三 Chapter III. Circulation of Goods
錯 幣 第 四 Chapter IV. Discordant Currencies
禁 耕 第 五 Chapter V. Hindrance to Farming
復 古 第 六 Chapter VI. Back to Ancient Truths
非 鞅 第 七 Chapter VII. In Criticism of Shang Yang
晁 錯 第 八 Chapter VIII. Ch'ao Ts'o
刺 權 第 九 Chapter IX. Taunting the Puissant
刺 復 第 十 Chapter X. Thrust and Parry
論 儒 第 十 一 Chapter XI. Discoursing of Confucianists
憂 邊 第 十 二 Chapter XII. Frontiers, The Great Concern
園 池 第 十 三 Chapter XIII. Parks and Ponds
輕 重 第 十 四 Chapter XIV. The Ratio of Production
未 通 第 十 五 Chapter XV. Undeveloped Wealth
地 廣 第 十 六 Chapter XVI. Territorial Expansion
貧 富 第 十 七 Chapter XVII. The Poor and the Rich
毀 學 第 十 八 Chapter XVIII. Vilifying the Learned
襃 賢 第 十 九 Chapter XIX. Extolling the Worthy
A. Historical
B. Geographical
Yen T'ieh Lun: Chaps. XX-XXVIII
Chapter XX. Mutual Recriminations
Chapter XXI. How Ways Diverge
Chapter XXII. Impeaching the Worthy
Chapter XXIII. Pursuing the Way
Chapter XXIV. Assertions and Aspersions
Chapter XXV. Filial Piety and Filial Suport
Chapter XXVI. Cutting Exchanges
Chapter XXVII. Shrill Polemics
Chapter XXVIII. On National Ills
IATHPublished by The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, © Copyright 2003 by Anne Kinney and the University of Virginia