Glossary of Military Terms & Slang from the Vietnam War A-C
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- 4-F
- classification given to those deemed unfit for military service
- 50-cal
- .50 caliber machine gun
- 51-cal
- heavy machine gun used by the enemy
- 79
- an M-79 grenade launcher
- 82 mm
- a mortar used by the enemy
- 105
- a 105-mm howitzer
- 201 file
- a U.S. Army personnel file
- after-action report
- AC
- aircraft commander
- actual
- the [Marine] unit commander. Used to distinguish the commander from the radioman when the call sign is used.
- air-delivered seismic intruder-detection device; microphone and transmitter dropped into suspect areas
- Advance Guard Youth
- Vietnamese student social and sports organization that evolved into a non-Communist nationalist movement by 1945.
- Advanced Individual Training
- specialized training taken after Basic Training, also referred to as Advanced Infantry Training
- Armed Forced Vietnam Network radio station
- Agency
- the Central Intelligence Agency
- above level ground
- A-gunner
- assistant gunner
- assault helicopter battalion
- Agency for International Development
- Airborne
- refers to soldiers who are qualified as parachutists
- air cav
- air cavalry; helicopter-borne infantry; helicopter gunship assault teams
- Airmobile
- helicopter-borne infantry
- advanced infantry training
- AK-47
- Soviet-manufactured Kalashnikov semi-automatic and fully automatic combat assault rifle, 7.62-mm; the basic weapon of the Communist forces. Known as the Type 56 to the Chinese, it is characterized by an explosive popping sound.
- AK-50
- newer version of the AK-47. Some have a permanently mounted "illegal" triangular bayonet, which leaves a sucking wound that will not close.
- military phonetic for the letter 'A'
- ammo dump
- location where live or expended ammunition is stored
- amtrack
- amphibious armored vehicle used to transport troops and supplies, armed with a .30-caliber machine gun. The Marines used them.
- angel track
- an armored personnel carrier used as an aid station
- AO
- area of operations
- administrative officer on duty
- ao-dai
- traditional dress of Vietnamese women. A brightly colored silk top worn over loose fitting silk trousers.
- armored personnel carrier. A track vehicle used to transport Army troops or supplies, usually armed with a .50-caliber machine gun.
- barracks ship
- Army post office located in San Francisco for overseas mail to Vietnam.
- AR
- Army regulation
- aerial rocket artillery. A Cobra AG-1H helicopter with four XM-159C 19-rocket (2.75 inch) pods.
- arc light
- code name for B-52 bombers strikes along the Cambodian-Vietnamese border. These operations shook earth for ten miles away from the target area.
- Article 15
- section of the Uniform Military Code of Justice. A form of non-judicial punishment.
- arty
- shorthand term for artillery
- Arvin
- soldier in the ARVN, or the ARVN itself
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam; the South Vietnamese Regular Army
- A-team
- basic ten man team of the U.S. Special Forces. The A-teams often led irregular military units which were not responsible to the Vietnamese military command.
- absent without leave; leaving a post or position without official permission
- azimuth
- a bearing from North
- B-40 rocket
- a shoulder-held rocket-propelled grenade launcher
- B-52
- U.S. Air Force high-altitude bomber; also, slang for a can opener
- ba
- married woman; used as a title, like "Mrs."
- bac bac
- bastardized Vietnamese for "to shoot"
- bac-si
- Vietnamese for doctor; also used to refer to medic in the U.S. Army
- ballgame
- an operation or a contact
- Ba Mu'o'i Ba
- brand name of a Vietnamese beer
- band-aid
- medic
- bandoliers
- belts of machine gun ammunition
- Browning automatic rifle. A .30-caliber magazine-fed automatic rifle used by U.S. troops during World War II and Korea.
- base camp
- a resupply base for field units and a location for headquarters of brigade or division size units, artillery batteries and air fields. Also known as the rear area.
- Basic
- basic training
- bac si de
- home-brewed rice whiskey
- basketball
- an illumination-dropping aircraft mission, capable of lighting approximately a square mile of terrain
- battalion
- a military unit composed of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar units
- battery
- an artillery unit equivalent to a company. Six 105mm or 155mm howitzers or two 8-inch or 175mm self-propelled howitzers.
- battle-sight zeroing
- process of adjusting a weapon's sights and windage to an individual soldier so the weapon, when fired, will hit the object of aim.
- bad conduct discharge
- bomb damage assessment
- beans and dicks
- military C-ration hot dogs and beans
- beans and motherfuckers
- military C-ration lima beans and ham
- beaten zone
- area where the majority of bullets will strike when a machine gun is laid-in to cover a part of a defensive perimeter or part of an ambush zone.
- beehive round
- an explosive artillery shell which delivered thousands of small projectiles, "like nails with fins," instead of shrapnel.
- berm
- perimeter line of a fortification; usually raised above surrounding area
- Big Boys:
- artillery; slang for tanks
- Big Max
- maximum security section of Long Binh Stockade, fashioned out of conex containers. There was one small hole in each side for light and air; in the sun they grew quite hot. Prisoners were allowed out twice a day to use the bathroom and exericise.
- Big Red One
- nickname for the 1st Infantry Division
- Binh Xuyenn:
- the organized crime syndicate that controlled much of the Vietnamese underworld and Saigon police until deposed by Diem's forces in 1955.
- bird
- any aircraft, but usually refers to helicopters
- bird dog
- forward air controller, usually in a small, maneuverable single-engined prop airplane
- BK amputee
- below-the-knee amputation of the leg
- blood trail
- a trail of blood on the ground left by a fleeing man who has been wounded
- blooker
- the M-79 grenade launcher. A 40-millimeter, shotgunlike weapon that shoots spin-armed "balls" or small grenades. Also known as a blooper.
- blooper
- the M-79 grenade launcher. A 40-millimeter, shotgunlike weapon that shoots spin-armed "balls" or small grenades. Also known as a blooker.
- blue feature
- any water feature. So called because of the color used to designate water on topographic maps.
- body bag
- plastic bag used to transport dead bodies from the field
- body count
- the number of enemy killed, wounded, or captured during an operation. The term was used by Washington and Saigon as a means of measuring the progress of the war.
- boo-coo
- bastardized French, from beaucoup, meaning "much" or "many".
- boom-boom
- sex
- boondoggle
- any military operation that hasn't been completely thought out. An operation that is absurd or useless.
- boonie hat
- soft hat worn by a boonierat in the boonies
- boonierat
- a combat infantryman
- boonies
- infantry term for the field; jungles or swampy areas far from the comforts of civilization
- boot
- a soldier just out of boot camp; inexperienced, untested
- bachelor officer quarters; living quarters for officers
- bouncing Betty
- antipersonnel mine with two charges: the first propels the explosive charge upward, and the other is set to explode at about waist level.
- bowl
- pipe used for smoking dope
- military phonetic for the letter 'B'
- Bravo
- Army designation for the infantry man
- breaking squelch
- disrupting the natural static of a radio by depressing the transmit bar on another radio set to the same frequency
- brigade
- a tactical and administrative military unit composed of a headquarters and one or more battalions of infantry or armor, with other supporting units.
- bro
- a black soldier; also, at times, boonierats from the same unit
- bronco
- twin-engine observation aircraft equipped with rockets and miniguns
- Bronze Star
- U.S. military decoration awarded for heroic or meritorious service no involving aerial flights
- brother
- a fellow black Marine; sometimes used as slang for all black males
- brown bar
- a lieutenant; denotes the single bar of the rank. In the field, officers wore camouflage rank which was often brown or black instead of brass.
- Brown Water Navy
- term applied to the U.S. Navy units assigned to the inland boat patrols of the Mekong River delta.
- BS
- bullshit, as in chewing the fat, telling tall tales, or telling lies
- buckle
- to fight. "Buckle for your dust" means to fight furiously
- bummer
- bad luck, a real drag
- bush
- infantry term for the field
- bust caps
- Marine Corps term for firing a rifle rapidly
- butter bar
- see brown bar
- C-4
- plastic, putty textured explosive carried by infantry soldiers. It burns like sterno when lit, and was used to heat C-rations in the field.
- C-54
- largest of the American helicopters, strictly for cargo. Also called Flying Crane or Skycrane.
- C-123
- small cargo airplane
- C-130
- large propeller-driven Air Force planes that carry people and cargo; the Hercules
- C-141
- large cargo airplane; the Starlifter
- CA
- combat assault. The term is used to describe dropping troopers into a hot LZ
- cache
- hidden supplies
- camies
- World War II term for camouflage uniforms
- can cuoc
- an identification card
- C&C
- command and control helicopter used by reconnaissance or unit commanders
- Can Lao
- the powerful semisecret political party of the Diem government headed by Ngo Dinh Nhu, Diem's brother. It permeated the entire administrative, intelligence, and defense structures of South Vietnam.
- Cao Dai
- a religious and political sect formed in the 1920s by a group of South Vietnamese intellectuals, combining the three major religions of Vietnam -- Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity -- with the worship of Vietnamese and Western heroes. With a strength of more that 1,500,000 followers, groups of Cao Dai still waged a stubborn resistance war against the Communists (especially in Tay Ninh Province) even after the U.S. troop withdrawal.
- civil action program. U.S. military personnel working with Vietnamese civilians.
- capping
- shooting at
- CAR-15
- a carbine rifle
- carbine
- a short-barreled, lightweight automatic or semiautomatic rifle
- Caribou C-7A
- small transport plane for moving men and material
- Cav
- Cavalry; the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)
- CC
- company commander
- CG
- commanding general
- chao
- hello or goodby, depending upon the context
- military phonetic for the letter 'C"
- Charlie
- Viet Cong; the enemy
- Charlie-Charlie
- C&C
- Chas
- Viet Cong; the enemy
- cheap Charlie
- GI who is frugal with his money while in a bar
- cherry
- slang term for youth and inexperience; a virgin
- Chicom
- Chinese communist
- Chicom mine
- Chinese mine; can be made of plastic
- Chieu Hoi
- the "open arms" program, promising clemency and financial aid to Viet Cong and NVA soldiers and cadres who stopped fighting and returned to South Vietnamese government authority.
- Chinook
- CH-47 cargo helicopter
- choi oi
- exclamation of surprise
- chop chop
- slang for food
- chopper
- helicopter
- chuck
- term used by black marines to identify white individuals; often derogatory
- Chuck
- the Viet Cong; the enemy
- combat infantry badge. And Army award for being under enemy fire in a combat zone, worn on both fatigues and dress uniforms.
- South Vietnamese Civilian Irregular Defense Groups
- commander in chief of all American forces in the Pacific region
- Civilian Irregular Defense Group
- American financed, irregular South Vietnamese military units which were led by members of Special Forces A-teams. Members of these units were Vietnamese nationals, but were usually members of ethnic minorities in the country.
- clacker
- a small hand-held firing device for a claymore mine
- claymore
- an antipersonnel mine carried by the infantry which, when detonated, propelled small steel cubes in a 60-degree fan-shaped pattern to a maximum distance of 100 meters
- clearance
- permission from both military and political authorities to engage the enemy in a particular area
- cluster fuck
- any attempted operations which went bad; disorganized
- clutch belt
- cartridge belt worn by Marines
- Congressional Medal of Honor. The highest U.S. military decoration awarded for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.
- Co
- unmarried woman; used as a title, like "Miss"
- CO
- commanding officer
- Cobra
- an AH-1G attack helicopter. Also known as a gunship, armed with rockets and machine guns.
- Cochin-china:
- the French name for its southern Vietnam colony, encompassing the III Corps and Mekong Delta rice-producing lowlands, which earlier was part of Cambodia.
- Co Cong
- female Viet Cong members
- Code of Conduct
- military rules for U.S. soldiers taken prisoner by the enemy
- comics
- topographic maps
- commo
- shorthand for "communications"
- commo bunker
- bunker containing vital communications equipment. Usually included in the last redoubt of established defensive positions.
- commo wire
- communications wire
- company
- a military unit usually consisting of a headquarters and two or more platoons
- compound
- a fortified military installation
- concertina wire
- coiled barbed wire used as an obstacle
- connex container
- corrugated metal packing crate, approximately six feet in length
- contact
- firing on or being fired upon by the enemy
- continental United States
- civil operations and revolutionary development support. Created by civilian administration, MACV, and the CIA to coordinate American pacification efforts.
- central office of South Vietnam. Communist headquarters for military and political action in South Vietnam.
- counterinsurgency
- antiguerrilla warfare
- country team
- the staff and personnel of an American embassy assigned to a particular country
- co van
- advisor. American assigned to Vietnamese military units or to political division within the country to help direct and train Vietnamese military and civilian officials.
- coxwain flat
- the area where the coxwain (driver) stands when he steers a boat or ship
- CP
- command post
- CP pills
- anti-malarial pills
- CQ
- charge of quarters. An officer officially in charge of a unit headquarters at night.
- C-rations
- combat rations. Canned meals for use in the field. Each usually consisted of a can of some basic course, a can of fruit, a packet of some type of dessert, a packet of powdered coca, a small pack of cigarettes, and two pieces of chewing gum.
- crispy critters
- burn victims
- CS
- a riot-control gas which burns the eyes and mucus membranes
- cumshaw
- unofficial trading, begging, bartering, or stealing from other branches of the service
- cyclo
- motorized rickshaw