Glossary of Military Terms & Slang from the Vietnam War D-J
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- DA
- Department of the Army
- Dac Cong
- Viet Cong special forces
- Dai Doan Ket
- Party of Great Solidarity. Organized in 1954 to unify the non-Communist nationalist organizations in South Vietnam in the period before Ngo Dinh Diem came to full power. Headed by Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, this was the forerunner of the Can Lao.
- daily-daily
- daily anti-malarial pill
- dai uy
- Vietnamese for captain
- Dai Viet
- formed in 1930 as a non-Communist revolutionary and political organization throughout Vietnam. Though more widespread and with a larger membership than Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh or Lao Dong Party, the Dai Viets were fragmented into regional factions. The assassination of Truong Tu Anh, the Dai Viet leader, in 1946 by Ho's agents further fragmented the Dai Viets. By the mid-1960s the Dai Viets had evolved into two major parties that both played key roles in opposing or supporting the various South Vietnamese governments. Since 1975, there has been severe repression against Dai Viet members, some of whom still carry on resistance to the Communist government.
- dap
- handshake and greeting which may last up to ten minutes and is characterized by the use of both hands and often comprised of slaps and snaps of the fingers. Used by black soldiers, highly ritualized and unit specific.
- the Director of the CIA
- de-Americanization
- early term for Vietnamization
- military phonetic for the letter 'D'
- date of expected return from overseas. The day all American soldiers in Vietnam were waiting for.
- det-cord
- detonating cord used with explosives
- deuce-and-a-half
- two-and-a-half ton truck
- dew
- marijuana
- DH5
- Viet Cong claymore mine
- DH10
- Viet Cong claymore mine
- di
- go
- dicks
- derogatory expression referring to both male genitalia and the enemy
- diddy-bopping
- walking carelessly
- didi
- slang from the Vietnamese word di, meaning "to leave" or "to go"
- didi mau
- slang Vietnamese for "go quickly"
- dink
- derogatory term for an Asian
- dinky dau
- to be crazy
- district team
- American personnel assigned to act as advisors to Vietnamese military and civilian officials at the district level.
- District Mobile Company
- the major Viet Cong fighting unit organized within each district in Vietnam. The District Mobile Company was assigned to carry out various assignments from direct offensive operations to sabotage and terrorism.
- demilitarized zone. The dividing line between North and South Vietnam established in 1954 at the Geneva Convention.
- doc
- medic or corpsman
- dong
- unit of North Vietnamese money about equal to a penny
- doo-mommie
- English approximation of the Vietnamese du ma, meaning literally "fuck mother"
- double veteran
- Having sex with a woman and then killing her made one a double veteran.
- DP
- displaced person
- D-ring
- a D-shaped metal snap link used to hold gear together
- dining room orderly
- drops
- reduction in length of tour caused by overall reduction and withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam.
- DTs
- defensive targets
- dung lai!
- stop!
- dust-off
- medical evacuation by helicopter
- DX
- direct exchange. Also, to discard or dispose of, or to kill someone.
- eagle flights
- large air assault of helicopters
- Early-Outs
- a drop or reduction in time in service. A soldier with 150 days or less remaining on his active duty commitment when he DEROSed from Vietnam also ETSed from the army under the Early Out program.
- military phonetic for the letter 'E'
- elephant grass
- tall, razor-edged tropical plant indigenous to certain parts of Vietnam
- Eleven Bravo
- the MOS of an infantryman
- EM
- enlisted man
- explosive ordinance disposal. A team that disarms explosive devices.
- E-tool
- entrenching tool. Folding shovel carried by infantrymen.
- date of departure for overseas duty station; estimated time of separation from military service.
- evac'd
- evacuated
- expectants
- casualties who are expected to die
- F-4
- Phantom jet fighter-bombers. Range: 1,000 miles. Speed: 1400 mph. Payload: 16,000 lbs. The workhorse of the tactical air support fleet.
- forward air controller; a person who coordinates air strikes
- fast mover
- an F-4
- fatigues
- standard combat uniform, green in color
- FB
- firebase
- fire direction control center
- finger charge
- explosive booby-trapping device which takes its name from the size and shape's being approximately that of a man's finger
- fire base
- temporary artillery encampment used for fire support of forward ground operations
- firefight
- a battle, or exchange of small arms fire with the enemy
- Fire Track
- flame-thrower tank
- five
- radio call sign for the executive officer of a unit
- flack jacket
- heavy fiberglass-filled vest worn for protection from shrapnel
- flaky
- to be in a state of mental disarray, characterized by spaciness and various forms of unreasoning fear
- flare
- illumination projectile; hand-fired or shot from artillery, mortars, or air
- flechette
- a small dart-shaped projectile clustered in an explosive warhead. A mine without great explosive power containing small pieces of shrapnel intended to wound and kill.
- fucking new guy
- FO
- forward observer. A person attached to a field unit to coordinate the placement of direct or indirect fire from ground, air, and naval forces.
- foo gas
- a mixture of explosives and napalm, usually set in a fifty-gallon drum
- fours
- F-4s
- military phonetic for the letter 'F'
- frag
- fragmentation grenade; verb form of "fragging"
- fragging
- the assassination of an officer by his own troops, usually be a grenade
- freak
- radio frequency. Also, a junkie or a doper.
- Freedom Bird
- the plane that took soldiers from Vietnam back to the World
- free fire zone
- free strike zone
- free strike zone
- area where everyone was deemed hostile and a legitimate target by U.S. forces
- French fort
- a distinctive triangular structure built by the hundreds by the French
- freq
- radio frequency
- friendly fire
- accidental attacks on U.S. or allied soldiers by other U.S. or allied soldiers
- acronym for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition," used to describe any disorganized operation
- fuck
- along with fucked and fuckin', the most commonly used word in the GI vocabulary other than the article 'a'
- fucked up
- wounded or killed. Also, to get stoned, drunk, or to be foolish or do something stupid.
- fugazi
- fucked up or screwed up
- United Front for the Struggle of Oppressed Races. Resistance organization in the highlands of Vietnam made up of Montagnards, Cham, and ethnic Khmer. FULRO is still conducting resistance against Communist operations to subjugate the indigenous tribal peoples.
- National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful, and Cooperative Cambodia. Prince Sihanouk's non-Communist political and military organization which attempted to drive the Vietnamese occupation forces out of Cambodia and reestablish independence. In 1982 FUNCINPEC joined the Cambodian Coalition Government and shared the seat at the United Nations.
- funny papers
- topographic maps
- Free World Military Assistance Forces. The Allies.
- G-3
- division level tactical advisor; a staff officer.
- Garand
- the M-1 rifle
- ghosting
- goldbricking or sandbagging; fucking off
- GI
- government issue. Usually refers to an American soldier.
- Glad bag
- slang term for body bag
- military phonetic for the letter 'G'
- gook
- derogatory term for an Asian; derived from Korean slang for "person" and passed down by Korean war veterans
- Green Berets
- U.S. Special Forces
- greens
- Army Class A uniform
- GR point
- graves registration point. That place on a military base where the identification, embalming and processing of dead soldiers takes place as part of the operations of the quartermaster.
- grids
- map broken into numbered thousand-meter squares
- grunt
- infantryman. Originally slang for a Marine fighting in Vietnam but later applied to any solder fighting there; a boonierat.
- gunshot wound
- the Gun
- the M-60
- gung ho
- enthusiastic (usually about military matters and killing people)
- gunship
- armed helicopter
- Government of South Vietnam
- high-altitude, low-opening jumping for insertion of troops behind enemy lines. The jump is begun from 15,000 feet.
- hamlet
- a small rural village
- hammer and anvil
- an infantry tactic of surrounding an enemy base area, then sending in other units to drive the enemy out of hiding.
- hand frag
- a fragmentation grenade thrown by a soldier
- H&E
- high explosive
- H&I
- harassment and interdiction. Artillery bombardments used to deny the enemy terrain which they might find beneficial to their campaign; general rather than specific, confirmed military targets; random artillery fire.
- hardstand
- a pierced steel plate (PSP) platform over sand
- hard-stripe sergeant
- rank indicated by chevron insignia, equivalent to an E5 or E6, but denoting some limited authority as well. Others of the same rank without the stripes were little more than PFCs.
- Heart
- a Purple Heart award for a wound; the wound itself
- heat tabs
- flammable tablet used to heat C-rations. Always in short supply.
- Hercules
- a C-130
- Hamlet Evaluation System. An evaluation system devised and run by Americans in Saigon which required monthly computerized reports from all the DSAs in the country.
- headquarters and headquarters company
- higher-highers
- the honchos; the command or commanders
- HM
- Navy hospital corpsman; a medic
- Hmong
- A dominant Laotian hill tribe, around sixty percent of whom opposed the North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao, in alliance with the Americans and Royal Lao government. After 1975 the Communists stepped up repression against the Hmong, who refused to be collectivized. Massive numbers of Hmong have been killed or driven into Thailand.
- Hoa Hao
- a Buddhist sect of two million in the western Mekong Delta, founded in the 1930s. Since the assassination of the founder and prophet, Huynh Phu So, by Ho Chi Minh's forces, the Hoa Hao have been fiercely anti-Communist.
- Ho Chi Minh slippers
- sandals made from tires. The soles are made from the tread and the straps from inner tubes.
- Hoi-Chanh
- Vietnamese Communist soldiers and cadre who rallied to the South Vietnamese government under the Chieu Hoi amnesty program.
- honey-dippers
- people responsible for burning human excrement
- honky
- African American vernacular term for white people.
- hooch
- a hut or simple dwelling, either military or civilian. Also spelled hootch.
- hoochgirl
- Vietnamese woman employed by American military as maid or laundress
- hook
- a radio; a radio handset
- horn
- radio microphone
- hot
- area under fire
- military phonetic for the letter 'H'
- hot LZ
- a landing zone under enemy fire
- howitzer
- a short cannon used to fire shells at medium velocity and with relatively high trajectories
- HQ
- headquarters
- Huey
- nickname for the UH-1 series helicopters
- hump
- march or hike carrying a rucksack; to perform any arduous task
- I Corps
- the northernmost military region in South Vietnam
- II Corps
- the Central Highlands military region in South Vietnam
- III Corps
- the densely populated, fertile military region between Saigon and the Highlands
- IV Corps
- the marshy Mekong Delta southernmost military region
- IG
- Inspector General of the U.S. Army
- illum
- an illumination flare, usually fired by a mortar or artillery weapon
- immersion foot
- condition resulting from feet being submerged in water for a prolonged period of time, causing cracking and bleeding.
- in-country
- Vietnam
- increments
- removable charges attached to mortar fins. If they become wet, the mortar round misfires and falls short.
- military phonetic for the letter 'I'
- insert
- to be deployed into a tactical area by helicopter
- Iron Triangle
- Viet Cong dominated area between the Thi-Tinh and Saigon rivers, next to Cu Chi district
- judge advocate general, the legal department of the Armed Services
- jet jockey
- Air Force fighter pilot
- Jody
- the person who wins your lover or spouse away while you are in the Nam. From the marching song or cadence count, "Ain't no use in goin' home / Jody's got your girl and gone / sound off...."
- john wayne
- can opener. Also used as a verb to describe the actions of someone who exposes himself to danger. For an example of what some GIs though of John Wayne, see Robert Flynn's essay, "John Wayne Must Die."
- military phonetic for the letter 'J'
- jungle boots
- footwear that looks like a combination of combat boot and canvas sneaker used by the U.S. military in a tropical climate, where leather rots because of the dampness. The canvas structure also speeds drying after crossing streams, rice paddies, etc.
- jungle utilities
- lightweight tropical fatigues