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Cinema : The Gate
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James Hive-Maker hoped to photograph evidence of life after death.

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Cinema : The Gate Haze : Ectoplasms Haze : Ectoplasms

Hive-Maker wasn't looking at you, but instead at his own past, or through you to the universal substance which can, through proper manipulation, be made to show anyone anyplace at anytime, through not in a truthful manner. By looking at him, we can almost look at the place where the pictures appear (not where they come from)... and out of that place, at this moment, a person picture is shining. There, in or with that image, blurred, is someone, might be Hive-Maker, standing at a blackbox camera in the Arctic. He cranks, capturing the images of radium souls somewhere out of frame. His special mechanical camera allows him to do this.
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