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Other People : Statues
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I watched the people in the trees, and Cain, as he left for another planet.

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Other People : Statues Other People : Statues Other People : Statues Other People : Statues Other People : Cain or Abel Sprockets : Saturn Buildings : Lucas Round Again : Moon Bees : Cellular Level Round Again : Moon Horizon : Built Up Bees : Close by Bees : Mesopotamian Bees Bees : Jacob watches

A concrete farmer points in another direction. That way to the market... take a right at the onion store, another right at the paint brush dump, go straight up when you hit the Pie Church, twirl around a few times and eat the box lunch we gave you with your admission, descend quickly onto the nearest roof, exit through the stairs, turn left onto the street, pause to pick a newspaper out of the trash... night comes, sleep next to the trash, then come morning walk two blocks straight, and you'll end right back here. So says the Garden of Eden farmer.
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