Hiding in the Dark:
Jacob, not as dazed as he appears, remembers that he is Zoltan Abbassid incarnate, that his dead wife is talking to him, and that she, he, or himself may all have something or nothing to do with the need to kill, and that indeed the need to kill may just disguise the need to be killed. With that realization, Jacob panics, and decides to hide. Having already learned to detach himself from his body just a few hours before, Jacob jumps out of himself and into the direct dark. He's been expected, and a small guide appears to get him through to where he needs to go (Jacob never pauses to think that this all may have been prearranged). Passing many interesting places ominously dedicated to the preservation of vengeance, Jacob arrives at his own little cell, on a tiny planet hidden far down in the dark.
There, on that proto-world, Jacob undergoes a number of changes, as might be expected. The planet rotates, speaking its own name with a deep squeak, and Jacob finds that the electricity generated by this rotation has caused the formation of an white X-shape within its planetary hollow. That X is about to be born, and Jacob, by mysterious agency, seems to leave himself yet again, to be joined to the shape of this thing at its birth.Traveling among the small hollow planets, the X-Shape body takes Jacob on a trip back to the cave itself, where his real body has climbed too high above the cave floor, blindly following its feet.