Horizon : Sable Blanc
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Écrits : Anglais Rond a Nouveau : Médaillon Rond a Nouveau : Médaillon Lecture : Visage Dévoilé Horizon : Bande Blanche Horizon : Sable Blanc Horizon : Sable Blanc Horizon : Sable Blanc Autres Personnes : Danseurs Perdu

 Alamogordo  vanishes, replaced by a closer, much more blurred picture of the uncertain and distant  blanc  strip which separates the  désert  from the  montagnes . No need to really name what it is, this vague picture... you'll get out there, eventually, and see the grains of sand too small to be seen from this distance. You'll hear the whispering of the  vent , filled with the words that were used at the Garden of  paradis  to name all the animals (unfortunately, many of those creatures and their families are now extinct, so the words have escaped).
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


visionner le film du début a la fin