Brume : Ectoplasme
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James Hive-Maker espérait photographier la preuve de la vie... après la mort.

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Cinéma : Le Portail Brume : Ectoplasme Brume : Ectoplasme

A  seule   caméra  cannot be in more than two or  trois  places at a time... where it is, where it points, where it will be in a moment when it point there next. Sometimes, however the  film   caméra  changes picture, place, and  monde  softly and suddenly, as if it were sneaking from one to the other, hoping not to dissolve our concentration while doing so. These new angles, reversed, are perhaps the viewpoints of angels.

Here we can see a large  numéro  of such angels. They  danse  from frame to frame. They are a multitude.
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diviser la grille diviser la grille


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