Brume : La Nuit
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Je pouvais me perdre dans les images et devenir une arme qui s'élevait dans les airs.

avant après
Rond a Nouveau : Lune Pignon : Avec Queue Pignon : à Moitié Intelligent Pignon : Avec Queue Brume : La Nuit Brume : La Nuit

Rising through the microzones of  air , each of which has its own sort of  poussière . trespassing on the 100 year old aerial  maison  of the Krakatoa  poussière  family... blowing destructively through (an accident) the aerial Museum of Air Expunged from Leaders, which includes the last breath of George Washington (survived the  missile  passage) and the first breath of the last French Emperor of Mexico (also survived, a certain miracle!)... meanwhile, a school of UFO's sighted over the port wing, and the  missile  takes on this  forme . All of these interesting facts, collected under the title Voyage of The Missile From Here To There, can be read in magazine form, stamped and made machine-readable on the side of this frame (running top to bottom on the right, like Japanese subtitles).
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